Tag Archives: collars

Self-bondage game with a large padlock and key in the mail

Hey guy’s it’s Friday night and check out what MarkNorth just did!



Marknorth writes:

Dear Metal:

I put my fate into the hands of the US Post Office tonight!

I have some work that I need to get done away from the office (plenty for Friday and Monday), so I did the deed and dropped the key in the mail to myself and snapped a lock and chain on tonight.

I dropped the key in after the last pick-up time today, so it will not go out until tomorrow evening. If all goes well, the key will be back in my box Monday – but I won’t be able to “sneak in” and get it until early evening, to avoid the possibility of being seen with this ridiculously large and heavy chain on my neck!

I’m attaching a set of pics for your amusement.

This will be the first time I have done something like this on my own, where the key is completely out of my possession. Even in extended self-bondage scenes the key has always been in my house, even if inaccessible for periods of time! Now it’s totally out of reach.

Well, we’ll see how this goes – I was nervous, but hard as hell, as I released the envelope into the mailbox on my way home from work tonight!


At least (hopefully most) 4 days’ worth of this thing around my neck …


02_Envelope-Ready 03_Key-Dropped-In 04-Drop-in-the-mail 05_Locked-On-2

I’m product testing the chain and padlock from Alpha Designs

Metalbond chain collarI recently wore this chain and padlock from Alpha Designs for about 10 days, and I even mailed myself the keys over Labor Day weekend. I put the keys in the mail on Saturday afternoon, and mail pickup for the mailbox I used was not until the following Tuesday. It felt great, and I enjoyed the look.

Before I left for Fire Island last Friday, I locked it on again, leaving the keys at home in my apartment in Manhattan. The picture above was taken on the beach on Sunday afternoon. It’s really a nice chain. I’m staying out here until Thursday, so it will be another whole week of chain and lock for me.

Bob, the guy from Alpha Designs who polishes up these chains and locks and sells them through 665 Leather, emailed me the following message when I told him what I was up to:

“You really are giving the collar a good test run,” Bob said. “I’m sure that by now you are aware of just how powerful that simple chain and lock is, constantly present, you feel it when you wake every morning, and it’s the last thing you feel at night. I don’t think that it is possible to ever get completely used to being chained by the neck, I just can’t completely get used to the weight or movement of the collar.”

“The real power of it, is when another man uses it to control you during sex, with a leash attached or better yet, just held in his fist,” Bob says. “The submission it demands is overwhelming and absolute.”

Hey Bob, I completely understand. That’s very well said.  For me, just so all you guys know, my interest in wearing this is not that I consider myself a slave or that I want to be a slave or I want to be owned by somebody.  I just like things that lock.


The chain collar shown above is available from Mr S by clicking here.

The Collar by Lars

By Lars

Originally published in Drummer magazine

If I could just shuck this necklace, I could handle the other shit. Been wearing this ornament now for three years and four months – or is it three years and five months – I’m losing track. It gives me headaches, and no wonder: a three-inch-tall band of thick heavy iron riveted to my neck and welded to a giant 15-foot tow chain, which in turn is fastened to a ring-bolt in the concrete floor. Heavy hardware, I call it.

Continue reading The Collar by Lars

Email from an anonymous blog reader about a neck chain and padlock

A blog reader who wishes to remain anonymous sent the following email to me:


Dear Metal,

when i was in design school, we had this shop and a faculty member ran it that was all about big tools and cutting things – whatever.  so i met this master online and i was young and thinking i was going to be his slave for life and so when i finally met him he did offer to put his collar on me and i accepted thinking it would change my life and I’d be his forever.  so i had this huge chain on my neck with a padlock.  he left then when the weekend was over and he lived out-of-state from me and i forget when we were going to meet again (plan was for me to move to him after school, hahaha in like years). anyways, my life didn’t fill with sparks with the collar on and i figured it actually wasn’t what i wanted.  so i did tell him and he did say he was going to mail me the key.  anyways, like 2 weeks went by and i just got scared and no key came and so i actually went to the wood shop and told the faculty guy that i “lost” the key and would he please find some way to get that thing off of me. hahahhahahahaha.

his grin was so huge.  he was the cheshire cat in alice in wonderland.  he didn’t say much.  he just grinned.  damn, i should have checked his pants for tentage but i wasn’t thinking like that at the time but now that i think of it, he was so enjoying me chained up.  but he yelled for his student assistant to hold the chain away from my neck while he grabbed this massive chain cutter and snapped my chain off like an icicle. hahahahhahahahahahhaa.

it was funny.  i just said thank you so much and went on my freedom way. hahahahahhahaha.

the key showed up like a week later.


Thanks, anonymous blog reader, for sharing this story!