Here’s more of Johnny Boy at Dream Boy Bondage. He is completely naked and gets strapped to a cross. Fucking hot if you ask me!
See much more at Dream Boy Bondage
Here’s more of Johnny Boy at Dream Boy Bondage. He is completely naked and gets strapped to a cross. Fucking hot if you ask me!
See much more at Dream Boy Bondage
Check out what Master Alex does to some new bondage meat over at Dream Boy Bondage:
There are SEVEN hi-res videos of this prisoner available for download from Dream Boy Bondage
Name of the captive pictured in this post: MARCUS RIVERS
Check out what happens to Blake:
There are ELEVEN hi-def videos of this prisoner available for download from Dream Boy Bondage
Title of this series: “BLAKE ELLIS – Total Submission”
A cocky young pretty boy who loves strutting around in public in a crop-top and tight running shorts is snatched off the street, gut-punched and tortured, then turned into a BDSM sex slave.
There are EIGHT hi-def videos of Vinny at Dream Boy Bondage
Title of the series: VINNY BLACKWOOD – Fuckin’ Pretty Boy
Look what happens to Vinny when he gets plucked off the street, gut-punched and tortured, then turned into a BDSM sex slave.
There are EIGHT hi-def videos of this captive available for download from Dream Boy Bondage
Title of the series: “VINNY BLACKWOOD – Fuckin’ Pretty Boy”
At Dream Boy Bondage, muscular young Blake is strapped to a bench with his ass exposed.
There are ELEVEN hi-def videos of this guy at Dream Boy Bondage
Title of this series: “BLAKE ELLIS – Total Submission”
By Joshua Ryan
The Haute Cuisine de Paris Select Tour … Mike had finally agreed to book it … I was lingering on a foggy street on the Ile Saint-Louis … Then from somewhere — some seventeenth century house? Some charming local church? — a bell was clanging. “Cmon,” Mack said. “Ain’t got all day.” He was already on his way to the shit holes, where a line had formed — a line of identical packages of rocklike muscles dressed in identical boxers and tees. A dream, and a nightmare.
I was one of the last to get to the holes, so I was glad I’d shat my guts out the night before, and all I needed to do was piss. I didn’t bother to line up for the sink. I went back to my bunk and started turning myself into the image of Mack, who had already dressed.
I can’t say they didn’t give us enough time. It was all hurry up and wait for our turn at the Chow Hall. While waiting, the workies shot the shit with each other, paying no attention to me. They weren’t interested anymore. I wasn’t new. I just stood by my bunk until Boss Web yelled, “Awright, make your line!” and we all marched off to the chow palace. Bill of fare: egg and cheese on bun, grits on the side. Hearty food! What you’d get in a fast food place, if the place was about to be closed by the health inspectors. Also a cup of coffee. No cream, no sugar, but the first coffee I’d had since I signed those papers. By the time I got through with it, I was so high that Ace came up beside me and said, “Coffee. It happened to me too. My first day. Watch your step. I don’t want you havin any accidents.”
A well-built athlete is sent to Dream Boy Bondage as a disciplinary problem. They bolt him to a wall, strip him naked, flog his chest, force him to cum, then whip, taze and crucify him.
He takes the pain but, in the end, is broken. Check him out:
See all NINE hi-def videos at Dream Boy Bondage
Title of this series: JOHNNY BOY – Broken At 18