Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

Side Effects – Chapter 8

By GratDelay

male BDSM storiesIt was crazy what we were doing. Why? Adin was clearly devastated, just as I had been the day before. But this was his second time, and I knew in my heart that I would do it again if I got the chance. Even knowing that while it was happening, I would know, again, beyond any doubt, that I had made a terrible mistake. Even before Adin showed up with his improbable drug, I had spent a lot mental energy on figuring out ways to make that unbearable feeling last. I had told Adin that this drug was too much, way too much, because the need outweighed the pleasure; but at this point I was wondering how many doses were in the canister, if I’d ever get my hands on it again, and if Adin or someone would administer the rites, as it were.

I said ‘Adin or someone’, but I meant Adin. I had received his message loud and clear, I thought, about our relationship; but this was something else. We now shared a bond of a different sort. It really was a rite, a rite of passage, that we two, and no one else, had survived. I had called it a near-religious experience, but now I was taking the notion more seriously. I knew, for instance, that if I ever did find someone I cared about as deeply as I did Adin, that I would want him to share this rite with me, with us.

Adin had quieted down. “Fuck me.” he said. He said it in the tone that meant jeez I’m over-wrought .

“So, would you say stimulation adds a little something to the overall experience? You should be taking notes, you know. For science.”

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 8

Nick and Daniel – Part 5

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe two sets of cuffs were sitting on the deck furniture end table during the burger and beer fest, and Zac couldn’t help but sneak peeks at them whenever he thought nobody was looking. As a kid, Zac loved cop shows and seeing guys getting arrested and as his early high school years came about, he noticed that those shows and images created a stir in his manhood. Always wanting to get his hands on a set of cuffs and locking up a guy and even experience getting locked up had only been thoughts with no real world experiences. That is, until today, and he got a full dose — all in a short period of time.

The ice chest was right next to the end table, and after grabbing and cracking open another bottle, Zac couldn’t help picking up the Peerless cuffs so he could again check them out. Ratcheting the bars through the locking bar, and listening to that solid, rapid, click-click-click, created that stir again.

“Pretty solid, don’t you think, Zac?” Daniel said, looking for affirmation.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 5

Rex: A James Story – Part 03

By Rex

Based on a true story.

“You awake back there?” A large pecker gag in my mouth prevented me from responding. “I can hear you rustling around. You’re safe. You’ve been hooded, gagged and stripped. You’re beginning your training as a dog now. Dogs don’t have clothing, so you don’t have any. Dogs do not speak, so you have been muted. In time you will learn and accept this, but for now it will stay locked on.”

I tried to turn around and face my kidnapper, dognapper? But the cage was just too small to twist in. I later learned that this man’s name is Todd. He’s also incredibly sexy, and while I would grow to love him, at that moment, I hated him with every fiber of my being. As mad as I was at my Master and this man, I was just as furious at myself, you see, my dick was hard enough to cut glass. No matter what I thought about the brutal reality was that every bit of this was turning me on.

Continue reading Rex: A James Story – Part 03

A Rubberboi on the Farm – Chapter 08

By R8080

Alex came to slowly. His world was dark and restrictive. His jaw ached from having worn the gas mask for so long but he couldn’t open his mouth even a little. Every part of his body felt like it was stuffed, squeezed or trapped. And in his ass was the unmistakeable presence of the electro-plug.

He was still in rubber. Alex felt the sweat building up. He could feel heavy straps across his legs, chest and arms. But there was more, it felt like he was enveloped inside an airbag.

His head was locked in place by blocks to either side. A large gag had been inflated in his mouth, pushing his cheeks out until they met resistance from both within and without. Two tubes entered his nose and seemed to be his only source of air.

His entire world was at once both suffocatingly small and larger than the universe. He could feel the thick straps tug against his chest with each laboured breath, and then in the same instant his mind raced forward to think of every possible future that may lie in store. It was hell and it was nirvana and, while his brain struggled with the duality, his cock knew exactly how it felt.

Continue reading A Rubberboi on the Farm – Chapter 08

Read the Instructions

By Callum Buchanan (of blessed memory)

Note from Metal: I am re-posting this story after a reader contacted me about it. See below for more information about this author and where this story came from.

The boxer’s mouthpiece felt as if it had swollen to fill his whole mouth. It was three o’clock in the morning and he could neither spit it out nor even open his mouth. That thought was the least of his problems and once again he cursed himself for a fool, he should have read the instructions first!

He was fit, and did go into the gym to spar with a trainer on a regular basis. but he also had some kinks and one of them was to dress in the training kit and pretend that he could not take it off. That he was trapped and helpless in it. Unable even to open his front door and get help.

The dream though had now become reality and he was in a real fix. At the gym Bob his trainer had told him about some new extra safe sparing kit. The padding was better so was the fit. there were no laces or straps to cause problems in the ring and you did not even need to wrap or bandage your hands because the gloves were so well made. He had agreed that the stuff looked good and placed a telephone order for the kit from the makers, a local sports goods company he had never heard from before and bought 20oz gloves, a supersafe head guard and cup.

Continue reading Read the Instructions

Pest Control – Part 4

By bndwolf80

gay bondage stories MetalbondNYCAfter the initial excitement at finally getting the chance to suck Matt’s cock I did manage to calm down. I settled into my rubber skin, still trapped in the arm and leg binders, the huge dog tail plug still stuck deep in my arse, and lay down beside Matt, half over his lap. Slowly, methodically, I sucked this amazing guy’s cock. Sometimes stopping, just letting it sit in my mouth. Sometimes deep throating him when the compulsion overwhelmed me (he’d always moan in pleasure when I did that). All the while, being careful to keep my drool under control, for fear of having to trade places with Dave the Urinal in the bathroom.

We’d stop every 30 minutes or so, when he got up to get another beer, or use the urinal. I wondered how tight Dave’s clamps were by now? How taught the ball strap? After a couple of visits I whined a little when he got up, indicating my need to piss, too. He helped me down off the couch and led me to the bathroom. I couldn’t see how much piss Dave had managed to produce, being unable to see over the edge of the bath, but he was still trapped in there, just as he had been a few hours earlier, so it must still have been below his target.

Continue reading Pest Control – Part 4