Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

Undercover – Chapter 2

By lthr_jock

Jim stood in front of the apartment block in Balham and checked for the third time that he had the address right. He had heard stories about the accommodation provided for undercover work — rat-infested havens for disease and cockroaches, but this was something else entirely. His flat seemed to be the penthouse of a newly developed block called Ascension Point. He entered the plush lobby and using the key Turner had provided him, called the lift. As he looked around, he could see state of the art security cameras and among the tasteful decor were the logos of the alarm and security firms.

By the time the smooth, silent lift had reached the penthouse flat, he had started to relax. For some reason, he’d fallen on his feet with this assignment. The flat itself was luxurious — the main room was as large as his whole flat and decorated very tastefully. Off the main room, he soon found bedroom, small personal gym, bathroom, kitchen and a steam room. In each the furnishings were obviously high quality and the walls were adorned with tasteful paintings. Alongside the bedroom he found a final corridor with a locked door. As Jim was sorting through the keys, he heard a chime from the front door and went to see what it was. Further exploration could be left for later.

Continue reading Undercover – Chapter 2

Forced workout: Jared makes Neill lift heavy barbells (pictures and video)

Neill, one of the biggest muscle guys at Dream Boy Bondage, is forced to work out with heavy barbells — and he is whipped every time he makes a mistake or shows even a little weakness:


Here is a free, high-def video clip — be sure to watch this one in full-screen mode:


And here are more pictures from this series:

neill02DBB_2a neill02DBB_3 neill02DBB_4 neill02DBB_5 neill02DBB_6 neill02DBB_7

You can see everything that happens to Neill by clicking through to Dream Boy Bondage.