Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

New Years Resolution – Part 12

By lthr_jock

“1683, wake up.”

Paul’s eyes snapped open, and immediately he could see his muscular form still in its thick, skin-tight red rubber in the mirror placed in front of him. He was boiling hot, the sweat pooling in the rubber suit and making him uncomfortable, his muscles aching from the position he had been strapped into. Drool was running freely around the ball gag, so he reckoned he’d been secured like this for some time. From what he could see, he had been strapped on all fours onto some kind of device. His stomach lay on something solid, with his mitted hands secured in front of him to the base of the device. His legs (ankles still strapped to his thighs) were similarly secured, but his knees were held apart by the device leaving his arse open and exposed.

His eyes bulged as he swore and struggled, his mountainous muscles heaving against the black leather restraints. Wrenching against the straps, he could hear them creaking and groaning, until a rubbered form behind him stepped forward and secured a wide leather belt around his waist, securing Paul tightly to the device. Now he couldn’t get enough leverage to affect anything other than a helpless writhing motion. He glared up at the figure in black rubber as he rubbed his hands all over Paul’s quivering flanks.

“Time for your last lesson here, boi.”

Continue reading New Years Resolution – Part 12

Pictures and Video: Glen at Dream Boy Bondage

Glen, another college man kidnapped off the street, is turned into the perfect bondage slave at at Dream Boy Bondage:


In this video clip — the culmination of a nine-part series — his massive cock is kept erect while he’s whipped. Then he’s jerked off while repeating his slave mantra over and over: “I’ll suck cock. I’ll suffer. I’ll cum! I’ll suck cock. I’ll suffer. I’ll cum!”


Here are more pictures from this series:

glen09DBB_2 glen09DBB_3 glen09DBB_4 glen09DBB_5 glen09DBB_6 glen09DBB_7

You can see everything that happens to Glen by clicking through to Dream Boy Bondage.