Tag Archives: jail cells

The Convict – Part 19

By Joshua Ryan

Documents Relating to Convict 353308, Rossetti, Jason Scott

Inmate, Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility


Document 8






351699 Cleveland

Inmate, SRLCF



Mrs. Heather Johnston

1112 Detroit Street

Milestone IN



Approved for Transmission




Dear Sis,

I’m sorry you’re not able to come out to see me this year, but I understand. I think it’s great that you and Frank are buying that cabin at Pleasant Lake.

You asked whether me and my cellie are still getting along. You bet. It’s funny, you know, because he was a college kid who was also a Business Executive before he was put in stir, but as you probably predicted Ive been showing him the ropes. Actually, I was worried because I was celling alone and who knows what would happen when they put some other con in with me, but J is exactly the cellie I wanted. Do you know what I mean? :-) I think you do.

Continue reading The Convict – Part 19

If you get arrested, prepare to be strip-searched!

The prison psychologist is going to have a field day with this bastard. I mean, look at his large, over-filled balls. This fucker is high on testosterone and an urgent need to cum 24/7. Yet he’s been given the tiniest fucking dick in the prison. He’s going to be a fucking laughingstock when the other crims get a gander at what he’s got between his legs. Which is why I reckon the shrinks will put 2 and 2 together and figure out why he was attracted to dealing in weapons!

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