Let’s see a show of hands … how many could handle being bolted down like this?
At BrutalTops, muscular convict Nick keeps in shape by working out at every opportunity. With sub James now sharing his jail cell he has a place to dump his sweat – the sub’s mouth.
Click for Brutal Tops
By Marknorth
It had been a rough flight. The little 18-seat puddle jumper had bounced and jerked through the storm for the entire 2 hours it was in the air. Landing at the little rural airport had been an adventure in itself; the wind was so strong that the plane seemed to slide sideways down the runway. Now he was standing in the rain with 5 other guys waiting for their ride.
Yeah that’s right, get in there. That cell will be your home from now on.
To read the REAL STORY behind these cell bars, click here.
Thanks to Yossie for letting us see this, and also to Mark of Serious Male Bondage for sharing this.