You can watch “Appleville” at Men in Chains
Click for Men In Chains
Check out Bind and JimmyUSMC. There is VIDEO of these guys at Men In Chains!
Click for Men In Chains
Men In Chains is Bind’s very impressive website — it’s worth the price of admission!
The newest update at RubberZone includes “The Electricians” — a new video with Max Ferro (Twitter: @MaxxFerro1) and JimmyUSMC (Twitter: @for_heavy) as Master electrician Cutler Hammer discovers a secret that his straight apprentice Eaton Loadcenter is hiding, and decides to show the reluctant but pliable lad how to have fun on the job.
Click for Rubberzone
Sleep well, JimmyUSMC, because when you wake up you will still be locked in those chains!
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