Wow this is cool! Mark — who runs SeriousMaleBondage.com — is also a practitioner of serious male bondage. He’s the real deal. Mark visited the private jail facility run by Bind, and he’s got some great pictures and information to share. Check him out:

Mark writes,
This is me in a private jail facility owned by my friend Bind. I was trying out my new steel bondage belt and rubber mitts. The belt was made by DungeonDelights.com and the mitts were from BlackStyle.com. The mitts you see are actually a pair of large size mitts pulled over a pair of medium size mitts, creating a much more intense sense of helplessness. No dexterity and complete helplessness.
I was chained to the wall like this on five different occasions during my stay, two of the sessions were overnight. The leather muzzle had an attached rubber penis gag, and my ankles were locked together with a pair of DungeonDelights.com steel cuffs. I loved every minute of my experience and can’t wait to do it again. I was on a natural high. In one scene I watched the sun go down and the cell become pitch black, and in another scene I watched the sun come up and the cell get light. All my thoughts were silent, and all my cares went away. I was just there. I have fantasized about being chained up in a jail cell since I was a kid and at various times in my life.
The cool thing about this jail cell is that it was built before round vertical bars were used. As you can see, the old-fashioned strap steel bars are far more scary and oppressive, which adds to my feeling of helplessness and being overpowered. This scene took place a few days before Thanksgiving 2016, and strangely enough, while I was looking through the strap bars to the outside window, I fantasized about being locked up like this over Christmas, knowing that my family was gathering for a meal and opening their presents. While they are sitting around the fireplace and watching the game on TV, I am in heavy bondage, chained to the wall in a small oppressive and scary
jail cell, helpless and completely alone. This fantasy is very fulfilling and extremely exciting to me. The truth of the matter is I would like to be chained up like this every night, and I don’t mean to be insulting, but this feels more satisfying to me than being in a relationship and sleeping with a partner. I’m sure that shrinks would have a field day with that, but it doesn’t matter. I have sought bondage experiences like this since I was a kid, and although they have sometimes come close, this experience in the jail cell was the absolute best.
A special thanks to my friend Bind for allowing me to have this fantasy come true with my own gear. Check out his profile on Recon, FetLife, his bondage website MenInChains.com, and his jail facility at HamptonJail.com.

Thanks, Mark, for the pictures and information!