That’s Mr Kristofer on the left and Ruff on the right
Here’s a shot of Kristofer Weston with one of his muscular bondage captives:
You can see much more of Kristofer’s work at his porn site, Bound Jocks.
Also check out his Tumblr feed.
That first picture up there is Steve Landess, aka Kristofer Weston
Wow, there’s obviously all sorts of fun going on this weekend in Chicago. Unfortunately, due to a convention in Canada for my day job, I am not able to attend the IML festivities this weekend myself, but check THIS out:
Yeah, that’s bondage porn god Jason Branch (left) with Lee from Bound and Gagged at the B&G table at IML. DAMN, I wish I could be there!
Anyway, to follow along with more news from IML, you might want to check out Bob Wingate’s Blog — where I got the picture above from — as well as the AWARD-WINNING Mr Kristofer Weston — congrats, Kristiofer, on your award! — and local hottie Ruff of the ever-popular Ruff’s Stuff blog — who always has cool stuff posted from IML.
It appears that ALL of the Thumblogger sites — including Metalbond’s OLD site (the “classic” version if this page) and the popular Mr Kristofer bondage blog, and many other sites — are down.
I don’t know what happened, nor do I have any way of finding out, since they have zero customer service over at Thumblogger, which was one of the reasons I paid money to have my site redesigned and professionally hosted last year.
So, for now and possibly forever, the “Archives” tab here on Metalbond won’t work. (But don’t worry, I have it all the old contents saved on hard drives.)
I will update you guys when I learn more.
Oh, and for all of you who have been emailing and IM’ing me about Mr Kristofer’s site, you’ll want to click for his Tumblr page.
Meanwhile over at Bound Jocks, Kristofer has plenty of hot athletic men with nice bodies tied up:
Click for Bound Jocks