Tag Archives: self-bondage

Self-Bondage Journal

By Aquala Guy

(Monday, 10 p.m.) I am going to lock on my steel wrist shackles and steel ankle shackles when I get home from work tomorrow night. Once locked they will stay locked until I get up for work on Friday. When I return home on Friday they will get locked back on for the remainder of the weekend. I’ll try to send photos, but my cell phone is my only camera and can be a bit testy at times.

Continue reading Self-Bondage Journal

Louis shares tips for safe bondage play

Hey guys, blog reader Louis of the Self-Bondage on Steroids post has passed along the following tips for safe bondage play. It’s good advice, if you ask me.


Louis writes,

Dear Metal,

Here is my list for bondage play:

1. Never play with a ligature around your neck. Or anything that could act as a ligature around your neck. Never play with strangulation.

2. If you do bondage, have a backup. This applies to all types of bondage. It is better to play with two bondage-buddies than just one. Play parties can provide tens of backups. The Delta and Inferno runs have specific designated individuals to keep the play safe. When I do self-bondage I have three separate timers and someone who will check on me if I don’t show up.

3. Don’t eat, drink, or take drugs excessively prior to play. Don’t play when sick.

4. Throwing up and passing out need to be planned for even if unlikely. They both can quickly result in dangerous bondage scene.

5. Don’t obstruct your breathing. Most autoerotic deaths are the result of asphyxia. The one death I know of at a play party was also the result of asphyxia.  So DO NOT obstruct your breathing if doing self-bondage. If your breathing becomes blocked, even when playing with others, there is only about three minutes for your play partner(s) to recognize the problem and fix it. Gags, gas masks, any form of breath-control, and most hoods are inherently unsafe in self-bondage.

6. Play with safe people. That means people who don’t use drugs, alcohol or  marijuana excessively prior to play. People who will pay attention. If you are new to bondage, play parties are a safe place to meet people. Once you know people in the scene, play with people your friends know and have played with. Talk to strangers, just don’t let them tie you up, especially at your place. If you insist on playing with strangers make sure a friend knows with who and where you are playing.  See item #1 – have a backup.

7. If you play by yourself it is safer if you are mobile enough to get out of the building or call 911 in the US  (for other countries see: https://www.sccfd.org/travel.html).  Remember, you really will not die from embarrassment.

8.  If you do long term play, make sure you can get water and food.  I have heard you can go without air for three minutes, without water for three days, and without food for three weeks.  So for self-bondage air and water gives you a “safety-window” of three weeks for someone to find you.

9.  Have at least two keys for every lock.  Know where the keys are.  Store locks locked, it forces you to check the lock by unlocking it prior to use.  For self-bondage make sure you can not only reach the needed keys, but that you can also get the keys into the lock.  Have a knife or scissors for cutting straps and rope.   Have a grinder for cutting locks, chains, handcuffs, and leg irons.  (And if you play with rivets, cutting rivets.)  Make sure you can reach the needed keys.

Play safe.  Be safe. I believe that if self-bondage is carefully done it is probably as safe as other risky activities such as surfing, skydiving, scuba diving, and flying.  These and many other risky activities can be done safely with the proper planning, precautions, and preparation.



Close Calls With Self-Bondage When I Was a Teenager

By Bind

I have had several close calls with self bondage.  It is a very dangerous activity.  Here are four times when I was a teenager when I nearly killed myself by accident, or caused serious damage to myself.


Story 1:  The Dog Chain


We owned the stupidest dog in the world.  It was completely un-trainable.  It couldn’t even learn “sit.”  Every time anyone went into the back yard the dog jumped all over them and sniffed their crotch.

Continue reading Close Calls With Self-Bondage When I Was a Teenager

Unfreedom Day — a true adventure by Marknorth

Hey guys, Marknorth is spending Independence Day with a chain collar locked on. It’s not the tightest of collars, but you gotta give the guy credit for trying. He also sent a true-life self-bondage story, which is below the picture.

Marknorth July 4 lockup


Unfreedom Day

By Marknorth

Dear Metal,

I spent the night before Independence Day in a chain collar. It reminded me of the loss of freedom.

Several weeks ago I had a weekend with no obligations or plans, so I decided to use the time to do a self-bondage lock-down in my cell.

Put in the usual supply of water and protein shakes – and straws.

Let my dick choose the length of time to be locked away – 18 hours.

Utilized the typical set-up; padded hood, leather cuffs (ankle and wrist), leather collar (2” fetters), all locked and linked by heavy chains. Secured a chain from the ankles to the I-bolt, making escape from the cell impossible, without using the “fail safe” key. No cock-lock, just an under armour jock and cup.

I decided to wear racing leathers and boots to complete the experience.  Love the way the leathers fit – tight in all the right places.

Was in the cell and had everything locked on by 6:00 pm Friday night – having forgone dinner to avoid a call from nature.

No escape until the keys dropped from the mag-lock at around noon on Saturday.

My hard-on usually doesn’t dissipate for several hours after the initial lock-down; so the struggle within the hard-cup adds some discomfort – although not as much as a chastity cage.

It didn’t take long to start to heat up inside the hood and leathers, but that was to be expected.

leather dainese suit


Since there is no way to mark time, it is hard to tell exactly when it starts to become uncomfortable and the “real” lock-up begins as the initial “buzz” wears off; but that is the point, after all – it’s not bondage until you want out.

This was the first time that I had worn the leathers for a lock-up of more than a few hours, and it was apparent that they were going to add a level of discomfort that was unexpected – especially the increase in body heat.

Also found out that getting to my dick to piss was a serious amount of work – the zipper on the leathers doesn’t extend quite far enough to allow for moving the hard cup out of the way easily.

So every time I had to piss was a frustrating struggle. Didn’t test that part out ahead of time – an error on my part, as I usually consider all the possibilities and test them out before locking things in place. This time, though, it didn’t seem like it would be an issue ahead of time.

So, time passed, the level of discomfort increased making it hard to sleep. I know I dozed off but not for long periods.

Of course, as the discomfort builds, so does the frustration of not being able to get free.

It soon became a series of attempts to find a way to get more comfortable – pacing, kneeling, sitting, laying down on the cot trying to sleep.  Nothing was working and the frustration continued to build.

For the first time in a long time the thought of having to use the “fail safe” kept coming to the forefront.

I love the leathers, love the hood, and love being locked up – but for some reason the combination that night was making me overly miserable – and I wasn’t sure that I could make it for the duration.

As more time passed it became apparent to me that I needed to get out and get relief.

Eventually I caved in. My “fail safe” key is kept in a large plastic juice bottle that is filled with motor oil. The opening is too small to stick my hand in, so it needs to be poured out to get to the key. That creates an unbelievable mess on the floor!  But my frustration overcame what I knew would be a long and tedious clean-up.

I dumped the oil out and got the key – regretting that step already.

That key opens the lock box with the necessary keys to remove the restraints.

Once I had the locks off and removed the restraints and hood – and the leathers and boots, I left the cell (frustrated at the mess and for failing to make the full 18 hours).

I almost screamed when I looked at the clock – it was 10:50 am – I would have only made it a little over an hour more before I would have been freed!!

Now I was really pissed at myself – such a fucking wuss!!!

Cleaning up the oil took over an hour – and it stained the concrete on the cell floor.

The mess confirmed the “price” for using the “fail safe” – it’s there for an emergency – it worked as needed and verified that I would always be able to get out of the restraints quickly should that emergency arise (something that I have never had to test before).

Lesson learned – man-up and tough it out – I’ve done it many times before.  I’m going to do it many times more.

I’ll be punishing myself with a longer lock up with the same set-up in near the future.

Thought you might get a kick out of that episode – I wasn’t going to share it with you because is somewhat embarrassing.  Was the first time that I wimped out in a self-lock-up and I have spent so much more time locked up under those circumstances.

Your continued prisoner,


Metal would like to thank Marknorth for the account above.

Reader contribution: londonslv in self-bondage and chastity

Check out the pictures and information from londonslv:

londonslv in self-bondage and chastityDear Metal,

Here are pics and a description of a self-bondage session I had a while ago. The chastity itself was a russian-roulette game I sometimes play to lock myself up, as I’m still in search of a local key holder to control access to my cock.

To start the session, I assembled everything I’d need on the floor. The padlocks were checked working, then the keys placed on a high shelf, where I wouldn’t be able to reach them until the end of the session.

londonslv in self-bondage and chastityPrior to the session, I’d edged myself for a couple of hours, before locking my cock in its prison. The key to the CB went into my safe. The combination of which is in a text file on my PC. (It’s 8 digits, and I set it a long while ago so I would forget the combination).

So, having assembled everything I needed, I put padlocks through the top eyelets in my boots – they’re not coming off until the end of the session.

Next, I put on and padlock my Mr S Leather muzzle. It’s quite a trip. As you can see, I have padlocked the self-bondage lock (from MEO) to the collar of the muzzle. Padlocked to the end that releases is a chain, and the handcuff key. The handcuffs are padlocked to the other end of the chain, so I can never “lose” the key, even if it tries to bounce away when it lands.

Now I’m almost ready, I start the “russian-roulette” part for my chastity. Using the timelock software, I set it up to encrypt the file containing the safe combination for a random time up to 4 weeks with a bias on the longer side, but with a hidden timer so I can’t see how long is left to run. I don’t start the encryption however. I have a gaming keyboard with 16 macro buttons, so I’ve programmed each of these to start the timelock software running, after various delays from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

I push a macro button at random, then complete the self-bondage. My hands are now cuffed, with each cuff also going through the loops of the DM boots.

Now I’m trapped, horny, desperate to cum thanks to the edging earlier. Having to wait while the self-bondage lock melts, dripping cold water onto me. It usually releases after about 45 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.

londonslv in self-bondage and chastity 4So while I’m in bondage, I can only wait, wondering which macro I pushed, whether I’d get free before timelock starts, sentencing me to up to 4 weeks in chastity, and having to watch the PC do this to me while I’m helpless to stop it. (The PC base unit and keyboard and power switches are out of my reach).

The last picture shows me a little later on, the ice lock can be seen to have melted somewhat.

This was quite a fun session, and ended up with my cock horny, frustrated, and locked for about 5 weeks. (In two of the macros, I had programmed a couple of booby-traps – one would start the timer, then add 1 week, the other would add 2 weeks!)


You can find londonslv on Recon

Self-bondage game with a large padlock and key in the mail

Hey guy’s it’s Friday night and check out what MarkNorth just did!



Marknorth writes:

Dear Metal:

I put my fate into the hands of the US Post Office tonight!

I have some work that I need to get done away from the office (plenty for Friday and Monday), so I did the deed and dropped the key in the mail to myself and snapped a lock and chain on tonight.

I dropped the key in after the last pick-up time today, so it will not go out until tomorrow evening. If all goes well, the key will be back in my box Monday – but I won’t be able to “sneak in” and get it until early evening, to avoid the possibility of being seen with this ridiculously large and heavy chain on my neck!

I’m attaching a set of pics for your amusement.

This will be the first time I have done something like this on my own, where the key is completely out of my possession. Even in extended self-bondage scenes the key has always been in my house, even if inaccessible for periods of time! Now it’s totally out of reach.

Well, we’ll see how this goes – I was nervous, but hard as hell, as I released the envelope into the mailbox on my way home from work tonight!


At least (hopefully most) 4 days’ worth of this thing around my neck …


02_Envelope-Ready 03_Key-Dropped-In 04-Drop-in-the-mail 05_Locked-On-2

Electronic safe for self-bondage

Anyone ever heard of the Captured Discipline timer lock box? Check it out:

gay male bondage



NoEscapeSlave writes:

I had been searching for a time-lock safe for some time (so I could put handcuff/shackle/chastity keys in it for extended periods) but turns out they are REALLY hard to find, VERY expensive and most come from Europe.  The only other thing I have seen are the ice self-bondage locks from Mr. S but those have limited use and can’t be used for real long scenes.

After one exhaustive search I came across a time-lock small box safe that is made for people who want to stop their bad habits (like cigarettes, snack foods, etc).  I decided (for less than $100) I would buy one of their safes and it really is GREAT.  It is small enough to carry anywhere and can be kept IN a cell or cage with you (or just within reach) yet there is NO way to unlock it once it is set for a certain time period.  So far, I am very happy with it (of course NOTHING beats an actual CAPTOR carrying the keys to your bonds but they are often hard to find all the time).  One thing I do in addition for safety since I have to practice self bondage at times and live alone is I usually take my cellphone and put it within reach of my cuffed hands outside the cell/cage so that IF the safe did not open for some reason or I needed emergency medical help I could call someone.  Of course calling anyone would be VERY embarrassing and you would only do it IF you were in real jeopardy…otherwise you are forced to wait until the safe opens at the specified time.

Although the safe comes with 2 regular keys to use as well they do NOT send you these unless you ask for them and if you DO ask for the keys they allow you to send them back to them for safekeeping as a free service for their customers … in order to avoid anyone opening the safe prematurely.

Oddly enough, the name of this company is Captured Discipline. They list many many uses of their products (EXCEPT this) You have to wonder if they sell many of these to us twisted bondage addicts. I am also curious if anyone else has seen/purchased this product.

Self-Bondage: The ‘oh fuck’ moment for CdnBond comes at 9:45


Check out these images from “Bondage Chair Self Bondage” — one of the many offerings from the guys at Serious Male Bondage. This one features CdnBond, who is one of my favorite subjects on the site. In this one, CdnBond puts himself into the Serious Bondage Chair for some self-bondage. For me, it’s what happens in the video at the 9:45 mark that is most exciting. It’s what I refer to as the “oh fuck” moment. Those of you who are subscribers to Serious Male Bondage probably know exactly what I am talking about. Enjoy your confinement in the bondage chair, CdnBond! You have nobody to blame for your predicament but yourself!

MetalbondNYC_dot_com_SelfBondageInTheSelfBondageChair-001-S487 MetalbondNYC_dot_com_SelfBondageInTheSelfBondageChair-002-S487 MetalbondNYC_dot_com_SelfBondageInTheSelfBondageChair-005-S487 MetalbondNYC_dot_com_SelfBondageInTheSelfBondageChair-024-S487

To learn more about Serious Male Bondage, click here.

CIA agent locked in a suitcase