Tag Archives: Serious Male Bondage

10 Days in Detention – Part 11

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

The pain started just as Dan had said. My shoulders were aching. My arms were aching, and the pulling on my balls was constant and sustained. The predicament position I had been placed in was perfect in its design. I continued to try to keep my arms up behind me to take some pressure off of my balls, but it was always short lived. Being in complete darkness didn’t help either.

It only added to the mental hell the pain was starting to put me through. I doubt I could take an hour of this, let alone two hours as Dan had promised. And what did he mean every fifteen minutes he would make it tougher on me?

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 11

Bind talks about living a bondage life

In a video available at Serious Male Bondage, Bind describes his new way of living. There are probably many other guys who are changing and discovering as well. Websites like Serious Male Bondage, Men in Chains and Metalbond can allow guys to consider making changes in their own lives.

male bondage videos

Watch Bind tell his story in a video at Serious Male Bondage

Title of the video: A Talk About Bondage

Also check out Bind’s site Men in Chains

Bind Men in chains video