Tag Archives: solitary confinement

Letters from Prison – Part 01

By Socalbd

Background: I recently spent four days as an inmate during a live action roleplay.  The event took place at a closed but partially refurbished maximum-security prison.  This was my first time doing something like this, and I knew I wanted to keep a journal about my experience.  However, I wanted to stay in the headspace as much as I could.  More about that below.  To say it was the experience of a lifetime would be an understatement.  But more than that, the community of men I spent four days with was incredible.  I was honored to share this experience with them.  My thanks to the organizers for their countless hours of preparation.  Special thanks to those that had my back, physically and mentally, and allowed me to ride the range of emotions that challenged, scared and comforted me over the four days.

The letters:  I arranged with the captain of the guard prior to the event to be able to “write” letters home to family.  I would be provided with paper, pen and envelopes in my cell.  When there was time, I would write my letters.  Each evening, I would place the letter in an open envelope and have it delivered to the captain of the guard.  He could read the letter, check it for any information not permitted to be revealed about the prison (he would line out any such writing), he could write comments in the margins if he wanted, and would then “mail” the letter for me.  Mailing meant placing the letter in my duffel bag that was being stored during the event.   At the end of the event the letters would be waiting for me inside the bag, and I would be able to go back and read them along with any edits the captain of the guard made.

Continue reading Letters from Prison – Part 01

Long Term Confinement – Part 04

By Scribe and Stormbound

A few months after the Discipline Technologies slave warehouse was fully operational at our prison facility, we received a message from a potential client. This client indicated that he was looking to experience long term imprisonment and slavery at our facility. He indicated that he was well off and had inherited a trust fund that could automatically cover the payments for his incarceration. The candidate was in his late 20s and had no living relatives after his parents died in an accident several years prior leaving him to inherit their wealth. Recent attempts to be dominated were unsatisfactory as many masters were not harsh enough and seemed more interested in his money than true slavery or bondage.

We responded by sending a questionnaire, and his responses indicated a desire for heavy bondage, extreme discipline, objectification, slavery, and humiliation. After a few rounds of negotiation, we arrived at an agreement for his imprisonment conditions. The following is the candidates account of his arrival and confinement in our facility:

I couldn’t wait to tear open the envelope I received today from Discipline Technologies. We had discussed the terms of my confinement, and this letter finalized the date and instructions for reporting to the prison. I will serve one year closely confined in their underground prison and then serve one year as a slave in their warehouse facility. The company will make automatic withdrawals from my trust fund to pay for my incarceration. I won’t know when my term will end, but we did negotiate one way that I could end my ordeal. Every two years I will be given a choice to answer yes or no to continuing my imprisonment/enslavement or being released.

Continue reading Long Term Confinement – Part 04

Slave Punishment System – Part 01

By Scribe

Discipline Technologies announces a new prison cell designed to severely punish the uncooperative or misbehaving slave. It can be used when standard discipline measures fail to achieve the desired result. Our craftsmen can install the cell in your dungeon, or we have several cells available at our site that can be rented to punish the unrepented slave. We can also accommodate slaves who voluntarily feel they deserve severe discipline.

The cell measures 6-foot-by-6-foot and is 7.5 feet tall. Floor, ceiling, door, and walls are solid stainless steel. The floor is elevated 6 inches to allow for plumbing and electrical connections. There is a control box mounted on the outside wall of the cell that contains the equipment and computer necessary to operate the Slave Punishment System.

The system consists of three primary punishment modules. There is a strappado device for hanging the slave by its arms, an electrified cock cage to administer shocks, and a gas mask to exercise breath control.

Continue reading Slave Punishment System – Part 01