Check out these “vintage” pictures from Serious Male Bondage, featuring Mikey and Daddy Tony:
To see much more of this sort of action, go to Serious Male Bondage
Check out these “vintage” pictures from Serious Male Bondage, featuring Mikey and Daddy Tony:
To see much more of this sort of action, go to Serious Male Bondage
Click for Serious Male Bondage
DualDrew sent these pictures of himself wearing locking metal chastity:
I definitely like the locking-metal-under-suit-and-tie imagery in the first picture, but I am not sure how I feel about the underwear choice in the second picture. But it’s fucking awesome to see locking metal below the waist, if you ask me!
The Southern California Bondage Club invites you to get in touch with your knotty side every second Friday.
Click for the Southern California Bondage Club
So I thought it might be fun to start a new “A to Z” themed series of blog postings, with a special posting for each letter of the alphabet.
So I’ll start today with the letter A, and call this one Arrested.
Like this:
Today’s Bound Cocksuckers picture is from Bound Gods
I love the sound in this one! Chris Mitchell aka The Sneaker Boy shows us how it’s done with Danner Recon boots and a set of heavy shackles:
This unlisted video is being shared here with permission of The Sneaker Boy.