The Wooden Pole – Part 1

By Mister-X/Spartan

It was bedtime. Ike got the wooden pole. It was a duplicate of the one that was in his closet that he hung his hangers on. It was about 7 feet long, as the one in his closet was. That was what had gotten Ike the original idea. He liked it so much that he finally got a duplicate at Home Depot so he didn’t have to keep removing his clothes that were on hangers, then putting them back when he was finished.

Ike lay it down on the floor alongside the leather straps, the blindfold and the ball gag. He already had put his cock in his chastity device. Otherwise, he was naked. He lay down on his stomach and lay out the leather straps, then put the pole behind him. He had to sit up to put the strap around the pole and his ankles, having the pole go next to his body. After the ankle strap was tightened and buckled, he lay down again and positioned the pole. Next was the strap around his legs above his knees and the pole. Then the stomach, keeping this one as loose as required.

Then the neck strap. Then the ball gag. He got the handcuffs and ratcheted one side closed on his left wrist after making sure that his fingers would have access to the keyholes. He also made sure that the keys were at their usual accessible place. He put his blindfold on, stretched his hands down under the stomach strap, which now was covering his arms almost to the elbow, put his left hand next to the pole, reached under the pole for the right hand cuff with his right hand and pulled it to the other side after wrapping it around the pole, used his left hand to ratchet it on his right wrist, and checked to make sure he’d done everything. Satisfied, he rolled over onto his back. He tested to make sure he couldn’t move, attached to the pole he was resting on, and prepared to drop off to sleep.

Continue reading The Wooden Pole – Part 1

Naked Kombat – a site where the loser always gets fucked

How about some wrestling?

Steve Sterling is back after losing his first Naked Kombat match against DJ, and this time, he's determined to fuckWe will file this one under “bondage without restraints.” Naked Kombat is a gay porn site that is brought to you by the men behind Bound Gods, Men On Edge, Butt Machine Boys and Bound In Public. It is wrestling site featuring REAL matches, where the loser of each match has to suck cock and gets fucked up the ass. In this episode, Steve Sterling is back after losing his first Naked Kombat match against DJ, and this time, he’s determined to fuck. Facing off against him is newcomer Randall O’Reilly. Randall may be new to NK, but he has years of wrestling on the varsity team under his belt, and he’s ready to bring it all to the mat.

Gay_Bondage_wrestling_01 Gay_Bondage_wrestling_02 Gay_Bondage_wrestling_03 Gay_Bondage_wrestling_04

Randall manages to surprise Steve with a full nelson, but Steve answers right back, slamming Randall to the mat with a suplex! As the sex round starts, another two fighters are so horned up watching that they join the winner in a hot unforgettable gangbang, leaving the loser cum-drunk and beaten.

Naked Kombat loser gets fucked

Hint: Watch all the shoots at Naked Kombat — plus ALL the  content from Bound Gods, Bound In Public, Butt Machine Boys, Men On Edge and 30 Minutes of Torment — by subscribing to the KinkMen megasite. You’ll get all SIX of these gay BDSM sites for one price. Click here.


The Convict – Part 08

By Joshua Ryan

One of the officers carried my briefcase, and the other one led me by the arm. When we got to the top of the hill there was a woman jogging through the park. She had a cell phone on her someplace and she was talking into the air, the way they do, like they’re crazy people, and when she saw us she jumped back and put her hand on her chest like she was having a seizure. She looked at me like I was raping her at that very moment. Then she ran off, fast. No one had ever reacted to me like that before.

There was a black police car parked at the curb. One of the officers put his hand on my head and guided me into the back seat. His hand was gentle, in the way that hands are when they don’t want to touch something that they have to touch. The car door slammed. In 20 minutes, they were leading me into the Justice Center downtown.

I was surprised that they never read me my rights, but then I remembered — they didn’t have to do that anymore, now that the courts had approved all the new anticrime laws. There had been a conversation about that. I recalled it. A conversation in a bar. It was the night I first met Joey Madison. He was coming on pretty strong, so I told him, “You’d better back off. Otherwise, a cop is gonna show up and read you your rights.” “They don’t do that anymore,” he said, putting his arm around my shoulder. “They just drag you off to jail.” We both laughed.

Continue reading The Convict – Part 08