By nyc49
I stood there, waiting. I didn’t really have a choice. But I didn’t stand still. I knew there was nothing I could do to escape – metal cuffs and chains can’t be loosened or untied with mere patient efforts. However, I couldn’t stand still and stay something like comfortable. I could still roll my shoulders a little, even with my hands cuffed behind my back, which took a small part of the strain off them, for a few minutes at a time. In the same way, I could move my feet back and forth about a half inch despite the shackles, so if I shuffled a little, my quads could feel a little relief, as well as my back. I couldn’t do much about my neck, though the chain had a little bit of play, and my jaw was soon tired from the ball gag. Since I was locked against a pillar, the more I moved, the more the pillar rubbed between my butt cheeks, which didn’t help with my caged dick.
To distract myself, I tried to assess how bad my situation was. Absolute worst case scenario: a stray ember hits the shed I was in, and I’m left as a singed piece of meat, hours before anyone even notices the fire, like some bad episode of CSI. Highly unlikely to happen. What about getting discovered by strangers? Ted had suggested that a real estate broker could show up any minute. When he and his clients wanted to check the interior of the shed, they would find me in a state they would never forget. The cops would undoubtedly be called, and my story would move from the police blotter to the internet, and my life would be over.
Continue reading You’re in No Position to Negotiate – Part 04