Video: Bradley is tortured

Bradley is a dream-come-true for anyone who fantasizes about torturing the perfect heartthrob: a beautiful, blond swimmer, fit and lean, with flawless, creamy skin shaved smooth. The stud is dazed from hours of abuse but still strong and full of life. As the single-tail whip, expertly wielded by Jared, cuts into his body, Bradley absorbs the pain with quiet intensity. He doesn’t scream bloody murder, but you can see the agony in his moist eyes and on his beautiful face. The blows from the whip keep coming, followed by mists of alcohol. Then Jared covers the prisoner’s nipples, cock and balls with nasty pins – and continues to whip him. Bradley is almost delusional with pain, but he hangs on. This is one tough captive!

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Title of this update: Bradley – Dreams Come True – Part 8

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