All posts by Metal

A prison toilet

Hey fuckers, listen up. This is important. If you are going to keep a prisoner for any length of time, you are going to need a toilet. That’s right, you need a real, functioning toilet that he can piss and shit into. Get him locked with access to a toilet, and you can keep him prisoner for days, weeks — even months! — provided you feed and water him, of course.

prison toiletprison toilet

Anyone who has a toilet like this installed in a cell or a basement is obviously quite serious about keeping a man prisoner. This is hardcore. This makes me hard.

Today’s pictures are from the men at Serious Male Bondage, who know a thing or two about real confinement.

But the INSPIRATION behind today’s posting is from Zerotaf — one of the very few men in the country with an identical toilet (plus something even more serious that Metal has used many times over the years while locked on a hard concrete floor ) .

Keep checking back here to Metalbond for more on keeping a prisoner.

male bondage videos

Mark Goes To Jail

I asked Morgan if I could post his very hot first-person story “Mark Goes To Jail” here on Metalbond, but he said no, and fuck me very much for even requesting such a thing. Instead he wants you wankers to buy his book, which contains the story and other tales of his adventures, on Amazon or get it on kindle.


Or … if you happen to have issue 40 of Checkmate (the “Prison Issue”) like I do, you can read it there.


Metalbond is looking for Davespeed

A long, long time ago I used to chat online and over the phone with a very interesting man from the Pacific Northwest, Seattle or someplace like that, who went by the screen name of Davespeed. We talked a lot about fantasies and experiences regarding spread-eagle bondage, military brig incarceration, and long-term cage confinement. He also read me a story he had written, about a prison guard who gets locked up by a former inmate whom he used to guard. I’ve never forgotten these chats, all those years ago, to the point at which I am thinking of writing my own prison story inspired by the scenario described above.

Anyway, Davespeed, if you are out there somewhere, please get in touch with me! There is a contact form in the column to the right.