Category Archives: Daily Thread

Emails from prisoners, future chastity slaves and bondage carpenters

Here are some recent emails from readers of this blog:

G’Day Metal,

The Padded Cell series was quite fascinating, and I followed along from start to finish. My interests run to extended bondage and similar confinement, so I enjoyed every post and photo. Have yet to do anything that intense, but I DID endure a lockdown in a small basement crawl space chained by a heavy, 3-foot logging chain from steel neck collar to a wall ring. No release and minimal contact for 4 days. I did OK for the four days, although was pretty quickly bored out of my skull. Like to think I could have extended that, but 3 weeks in a padded cell? The thought excites but the reality might be a bit much for this old bondage freak.

You can perhaps understand that I’d like to get in contact with The Warden to discuss this sort of thing. Some of the arrangements in the cell I was in might be of interest to him.

— via email


Dear Metal,

Last winter I had a few large oak trees come down with the severe ice storms that we had in NC. I’m going to have them cut up into lumber for flooring on one of my trailers. There is much more than I need for that project, so I’m thinking of making some bondage furniture. I’ve already put some feelers out at the NYBC for ideas.

So put on your thinking cap or put it out there on your blog and let’s see if we can make some hot/unique furniture. I have a pretty good set of woodworking tools and skills. Let me know what you think!

— via email from North Carolina

Dear North Carolina,

I think it is a great idea to make some bondage furniture!  You can’t go wrong with stocks, or if the wood is HEAVY and THICK it might be great to make a confinement box!

Please send pictures of what you make!



Hello Metal,

I have been looking at your site for a while and think that it is great! I would do anything to be your next chastity test subject. I have always wanted to try chastity but have not had the guts to go and purchase a device. I have also never had anyone willing enough to allow me to try a chastity device as well.

Let me know if this is anything that you are interested in trying.

Hope to talk to you soon

— fballboy

Hey there fballboy,

I can’t hook you up with a cock cage at the moment, but I will give you some ORDERS!

Here’s what I want you to do. Go to your local sporting goods store and buy yourself a CUP JOCK. That’s right. I want you to get yourself a hard cup — the same kind athletes wear. (When you buy it, I want you to check out at the register with the hottest guy, too!) You are to wear the cup jock for one week. That’s right, for the next SEVEN DAYS you are to wear the cup constantly, under your clothes at work, to the gym, when you are out with friends, etc. Also I want you to wear the cup jock to BED AT NIGHT. The only time you may take the cup jock off is to shower, and then it goes back on. This will, of course, mean no beating off for a week.

Then report back after your sentence is up.



Dear Metal,

Half way through the night — in my cell in pitch darkness — I lost it and started screaming and pulling at my chains. I got rock hard as I realized there was nothing I could do about it … and that was only about 12 hours in! Movement was so restricted — double chains running down from the collar to the wrist and ankle shackles.

— from an anonymous reader

The anonymous reader also sent PICTURES, but they are not for posting unfortunately. Let me just say the pictures are among the hottest I have ever seen. He’s in a striped inmate’s uniform, chained by the hands, feet and NECK with a THICK, HEAVY metal collar!



Dear Metal,

Seeing the 3-week-long session The Warden did gave me an idea for a story line. Setting a museum (a science), a 3-month display on prison and prisoner conduct. Intake of the prisoners, with help from the local jail, would start off with a week in the “real” jail, then the people who are the prisoners transferred to the display. The cells will be monitored by the visitors by closed-circuit TV.

Have a set of guards and have solitary as well as a padded cell.

— Gene

Dear Gene,

What a great idea for a story! This reminds me a bit about the Stanford Prison Experiment and the movie Das Experiment, which I have written about here on Metalbond in the past.

Anyway, I love bondage stories, especially when they involve lockup of prisoners, and hopefully your idea will inspire someone to write something interesting and send it to me!




I am loving your website. I found it a couple of months ago and find myself checking it a couple of times a day for updates. I love the photos of course, but the stories are really amazing. I’m dying to find out when The Bear Trap saga will continue. I’m so anxious to hear more of the story.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you have another fan and I hope you keep up the good work. I appreciate it and my dick loves it.



Dear Lance,

Thanks very much for the email, and I am so glad you enjoy the Bear Trap series! It’s one of my favorite stories as well and I am thrilled to be able to share it here on the site.



Dear Metal,

I get off on all kinds of m2m kink and BDSM, etc. Will be 87 in June but not ready to still feel the pain being more of a masochistic pain pig. There is something hard and very masculine about metal as it’s so unforgiving and sadistically macho. Got initiated after being picked up in a San Francisco bar in 1961 and became a totally addicted pain pig. Founded an SM club here in Vancouver in 1982, and it still exists. Called Vancouver Activists in SM, the web site is GMSMA helped me with info when I was setting up the club. Became a member of Chicago Hellfire Club in 1984 and remain an associate.

— George aka skindad

Dear skindad,

Thanks VERY MUCH for writing! I think it is awesome that you are going strong at 87!




Sent you an e-mail a few days back and you have not responded. I thought that in your blog you say that you respond to all e-mails. Sorry if I have bothered you.

— via email

Hey guy,

This blog is a part-time hobby for me, not a full-time job, so I can’t promise I’ll write back immediately. But I always try to respond to everyone eventually. Thanks for being patient with me.


gay bondage porn

Email from an anonymous blog reader about a neck chain and padlock

A blog reader who wishes to remain anonymous sent the following email to me:


Dear Metal,

when i was in design school, we had this shop and a faculty member ran it that was all about big tools and cutting things – whatever.  so i met this master online and i was young and thinking i was going to be his slave for life and so when i finally met him he did offer to put his collar on me and i accepted thinking it would change my life and I’d be his forever.  so i had this huge chain on my neck with a padlock.  he left then when the weekend was over and he lived out-of-state from me and i forget when we were going to meet again (plan was for me to move to him after school, hahaha in like years). anyways, my life didn’t fill with sparks with the collar on and i figured it actually wasn’t what i wanted.  so i did tell him and he did say he was going to mail me the key.  anyways, like 2 weeks went by and i just got scared and no key came and so i actually went to the wood shop and told the faculty guy that i “lost” the key and would he please find some way to get that thing off of me. hahahhahahahaha.

his grin was so huge.  he was the cheshire cat in alice in wonderland.  he didn’t say much.  he just grinned.  damn, i should have checked his pants for tentage but i wasn’t thinking like that at the time but now that i think of it, he was so enjoying me chained up.  but he yelled for his student assistant to hold the chain away from my neck while he grabbed this massive chain cutter and snapped my chain off like an icicle. hahahahhahahahahahhaa.

it was funny.  i just said thank you so much and went on my freedom way. hahahahahhahaha.

the key showed up like a week later.


Thanks, anonymous blog reader, for sharing this story!

Bruce died last year while playing solo with a plastic bag


By Brian

Last year in January, Bruce, a dear friend (pictured above), died because he was playing solo, alone in his bed with a plastic bag on his head and a vial of poppers in his hand.

I only knew Bruce a couple of years, but we hit it of instantly, because he knew EXACTLY what I was thinking when we played, and I could somehow read him too. He’d have me tied down and he would somehow know just when to squeeze that nipple, tighten that restraint, or add something new to the scene to keep the excitement and adrenaline in full swing.

One night after everyone had gone to sleep, I was lying next to him in his bedroom, and he pulled out the bag and poppers and I watched as he suffocated himself to orgasm.

I remember saying, “You did that because I was here, right? You never do that when you are alone?” He told me, reassured me, that no he didn’t do it when he was alone. But there was a pile of plastic bags in the corner there always was, I sort of knew that maybe he did play like that when he was alone.

When I found out that he had died, and how he died, it made me sick. His closest friends, the people he lived with, were constantly warning him — don’t do that shit alone. Oh fuck, I wish he would have just listened.

I think what happens is it starts out pretty benign, you do a little, here and there, and before you know it, it becomes routine. And then one day, the routine ends.

If you must do breath play, don’t do it alone. Not once, not ever, and if you’ve done it alone before, never do it again. No one orgasm is worth giving up a lifetime of orgasms.

I loved Bruce, and I still miss Bruce to this day, damn it. And I’m still angry as hell at him for what he did.

For godsake, don’t do breath play alone.


Metalbond would like to thank Brian for posting the above to the comments section a few days ago. It is re-posted here as a main listing, with the blessing of Bruce’s surviving partner, Duane, who sent the following note:

“Time after time I told him not to do this alone! But like Bruce he came to me doing this, and left me this way. I had told him over and over my biggest fear was to find him dead — at least it was in his bedroom and not in the playroom! Try to explain that to all the people that were here that day! This just needs to STOP! Thank you!”

Thanks, Duane, for sharing. Hopefully this information will help save a life or two.

From today’s New York Times

Designer, 26, Found Dead in Apartment in Manhattan


Alejandro Bulaevsky was an accomplished lighting designer whose paths around the nation and world were well chronicled. On Tuesday, the New York police spent the day trying to learn how Mr. Bulaevsky, 26, ended up dead on the floor of his Lower Manhattan apartment — his body wrapped in a latex suit, his hands cuffed behind his back, his face covered by a gas mask.

“It’s a mystery, but they’ll figure it out in the end,” one investigator said.

Paul Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman said, “One aspect of the investigation would be to determine whether his death was related in any way to a fetish involving latex.”

To read the complete article, click here.

Do not play Russian roulette

Hey guys I have to get serious for a moment.  Really, this is important.

I have just learned that not one but TWO men have DIED within the past week alone, as the result of solo breath play. I don’t know the specific details of either of these incidents, but someone I know and trust has told me about them.

Apparently both of these guys were somehow cutting off their air while also playing with restraints. One of them might have been using recreational drugs at the same time, as well.

As I mentioned, I don’t know the details, just the big picture.

The fact is, breath control play is REALLY DANGEROUS — even with at least two people in the room.  It is NEVER a good idea to do this kind of play on your own.  People die this way all the time, probably many more than ever get reported in the news or within bdsm circles.  Even famous celebrities have died this way.

Listen, I don’t care how powerful your ejaculation might be — it’s simply NOT WORTH THE RISK to yourself and your loved ones. Find another way to get off. Rent porn movies instead, or take up fisting, or hire go-go boys. Just don’t suffocate yourself to cum. It’s not worth gambling your very life over. Can you imagine the HORROR your partner, your landlady, your neighbor or even your MOTHER will feel when they come into your room to find your lifeless body, wearing a gas mask or a hose around your neck and an open bottle of poppers in your hand? Don’t let that happen!

Seriously. And if you absolutely CANNOT GET OFF without strangling yourself, by all means — please — get somebody to be there with you.  If you don’t have a friend you can tell about your kink, make one.

Just don’t do solo breath play, ever.

Never, ever.

Metalbond answers reader mail

dear sir,

I really enjoy your blog and I hope to even visit you one day. I am a 25 year old bondage fanatic. Currently I live and work in los angeles and do not have the time or the means to travel to san francisco to meet the great masters that are located there. Whenever I search for bondage masters in los angeles, I hit a dead end. If sir would be so kind as to write a post to recommend some trustworthy, safe, discrete Masters who are located in the Los angeles or other southern california areas (such as palm springs, san diego, etc), I would be much obliged.


Bondage (especially metal)

Tickle torture

Cum control


Turn offs:

Anal or urethal penetration


Breath control


Thank you sir,

Boy Richard


Hey there Boy Richard,

Thanks very much for the note. I am sorry to hear that you have not connected with any masters in LA, but I do know for a fact that there are many sane, responsible tops in Southern California. You just haven’t found them yet.

One thing you might want to do is check out a local event, such as the Southern California Bondage Club. Here is their website:

In my view, a bondage club is a great way to explore bondage. If you go there, you will most likely have the chance to watch a variety of scenes, and you might even join in the play if you feel comfortable. Remember you can always stop the action at any time. The universal safe word at a play party is “safeword.”

If you haven’t already done so, you might also want to put up a profile on a BDSM-themed social networking site, such as Recon, and look for some men you find interesting there. One thing to keep in mind, is to look for men with pictures posted of themselves and their work/gear/playspace, and also make sure they have been online for some time and have plenty of friends listed. You might even politely chat up some of their friends to “check references.”  If you do make an arrangement to meet up with someone, it’s a good idea to meet first in a public location like a bar or a coffee shop. And if you can’t make it to the date, by all means be sure to call/email right away to cancel.

Whenever you visit someone for a bondage scene, be sure to be clear about your limits and make sure the other guy agrees.

Also, even more importantly, don’t ever forget to tell a trusted friend where you are going, and be sure the man you are visiting knows you are doing this. This is very important to ensure your safety. If you don’t have a friend you can tell, make one.

I hope this helps.

Have fun … and best wishes to you,
