Category Archives: Story

One Year – Part 30

By Taurus

Part 30 – “Let’s Go Home”

“James, I -”

“I know, Master. If you’re looking for a place to live, come with me. I have a mansion I live alone in. It’s kind of sad, really.”

“What about after that? I can’t just rely on you.”

“I’ll think of something back at the company. Just wait for my good news.”

“I’m in your debt, my boy.”

“No. This is for everything you’ve given me. Now let’s go home, Master.”

The talk barely took a minute. James had everything planned from the moment Russell entered the door to the director’s office.

As they exited, Director Daniel was waiting.

Continue reading One Year – Part 30

One Year – Part 29

By Taurus

Part 29 – “Debrief”

James awoke with a start, opening his eyes to see nothing. 

Today was his last day here at this facility. Despite the fact that he had been stripped of his humanity, he wanted to stay.

So this was Stockholm syndrome. Maybe this was not the right term to use; his captors never really caused him much harm at all, if discounting Arnold that is. Though Russell in particular, he gave him the time of his life, and showed him what perfect love could feel like.

Speaking of Russell, where was he? 

The night prior, Russell had slept in the cell with James again, upholding his promise to stay by his slave’s side for the rest of yesterday. This morning, he seemed to have gone.

The lights were all off, but James felt a distinct absence. Gingerly, he shuffled around, and found no one by his side. After confirming no one was on the mattress, he splayed himself out as he usually did, but knocked into a certain something with his right shoulder.

Inspecting it further, he felt leather, chain and an unlocked padlock.

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Paying the Full Price – Part 1

By UKDeviant on RECON

UKDeviant chastity storyI started to wake up about 6am, as usual about a half hour before the alarm on my phone went off. Feeling slightly groggy from last night’s beers I knew the best way to clear the head was to release some hormones with a nice long edging session. I turned from on my side to my back, stretched out spread eagle working my muscles and my right hand went under the covers. As I tried to grasp my cock, all I felt was cold steel preventing any access and I froze while my brain, which was still booting, up tried to work out what was going on. It took a further ten seconds to realise out this was not at all expected.

As I sat bolt upright in the bed I could also feel a steel belt wrapped snugly around my waist which tugged at the base of my cock and balls as I moved.

Early in March, it was dark outside, and some light from the street came in through the window which allowed me to just about see in the room. As I threw back the duvet I could see a little light reflecting on the steel waistband. I was wearing a steel chastity belt which I did not own and was definitely not expecting to be wearing. At this point my two major organs were offering different views – my brain desperately trying to work out my predicament, and my penis expressing total pleasure and excitement at the situation.

Continue reading Paying the Full Price – Part 1

One Year – Part 27

By Taurus

Part 27 – “Pay Back”

Day 365 was the last day of James’ imprisonment in this crazy, crazy facility.

Hopefully, he thought, this would be a simple, no-frills, all round calm day.

It was none of that.

As he awoke, and the cell door opened, he heard the familiar rhythms and tones of Russell’s footsteps.

His master was back, with a small bag of toys.

James scrambled onto all fours and crawled over excitedly to greet his master, but was stopped.

“Stand up.”

As James slowly stood up, confused about the meaning of everything that was going on, Russell knelt.

In anticipation of James’ bewilderment, Russell shouted, “Stay still! Don’t move!”

Continue reading One Year – Part 27

One Year – Part 26

By Taurus

Part 26 – “In the Real World”

It was day 345 out of 365, and Russell had just announced to James that he would be trained to pick up another set of skills.

“When you get back to the real world, you’ll have to deal with different things than you are now. That’s why I’m going to train you to behave well in public.”

And indeed Russell was right. He had to adapt to new people, new environments, new dynamics.

In any case, James spent 15 days (day 345 to 360) in the same routine. He would not have blindfolds or gags applied to him other than during submissive training, and he followed Russell everywhere he went, even if he now had no collar, and no leash.

All day, he would remain completely naked and silent (other than if asked questions), and forced to display his body proudly to other members of staff, who groped him all over. Whenever he came to a standstill, he was to kneel on the spot, eyes straight ahead, not looking at anything or anyone.

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Jaz and H

By slavebladeboi

Jaz opened his eyes, or at least thought he did. It made no difference to what he saw. The soft, cushioned leather blindfold stopped even the merest chink of light from penetrating his darkness. He felt around him as far as he was able to, being restrained in a somewhat loose spread eagle by wrists and ankles to the bondage bed with just enough wriggle room to prevent cramp setting in.

The restraints were expensive leather ones with the same sort of cushioning on their inside which held you tight without pinching or chafing, a bit like having four strong, warm hands holding you in position. He moved slightly and felt the contrast of the cool rubber surface of the bondage table as opposed to the hot sweaty area his body had made throughout last night.

The night? Was it now really morning? Jaz had no way of telling. Even without the blindfold the playroom could be pitch dark being, as it was, ten feet below the living room floor, the only daylight coming into it from the top of the stairs if someone had left the hall door ajar. He had slept, but for how long? They had played for what seemed like hours and hours, he and Harrison. H, as he liked to be called, had certainly demonstrated his expertise during that time. Jaz saw nothing and could protest little, the inflatable pecker gag putting paid to conversation that was more than a squeal, moan or swift noisy exhalation of breath.

Continue reading Jaz and H

One Year – Part 25

By Taurus

Part 25 – “The End”

James woke up as per normal, to the sounds of a blaring alarm and the instantaneous snap from complete darkness to blinding brightness. What was strange, however, was the person who came to check on him.

It was a stranger’s face.

Feeling confused, he inquired, “Sir, where is my handler?”

“He’s preparing some stuff for you.”

“Why sir? What day is it?”

“Day 344. You have a pleasure session today, now drink up.”

James went about drinking his protein shake, changing the fist mitts and brushing his teeth, thoroughly confused, with a conflicted mind that could not quite decide if he was awake or dreaming.

Usually his master would notify him if he had any special days coming up, like checkup days, grooming days, and especially pleasure sessions.

He was marched off to the dungeon regardless.

Continue reading One Year – Part 25