Category Archives: Story

Teddy Bear – Part 03

By Taurus

Teddy Bear Wants a Snack

Alec is a good slave. This is NOT up for debate.

When I give him orders, he follows them flawlessly. Regardless of what I do to him, he seems to be able to take it in stride.

When we have down time together, he naps, cradled in my arms. The time displayed on the clock no longer provides context to my life; minutes, hours, days lose meaning.

Moments aggregate in stealth and clump into a whole afternoon. My heart melts to goo, and my body feels like floating. Before I know it, I mirror his smile on my face, and scratch his irresistible beard in bliss.

Then he laughs gently, and I stop thinking. Whatever work I set out to do, however crucial, then becomes inconsequential.

Continue reading Teddy Bear – Part 03

Man in Speedo Bound, Suspended by Sadist Group

By Speedobound

stud in a speedoA Speedo-wearing sub interrupts closed gathering of leather Doms in a dungeon seeking “serious” bondage tops for “a little fun”

I arrived at the local BDSM clubhouse for a previously scheduled Bondage night. The doorman told me that the schedule had been changed and that a workshop was in progress, but it would be finished soon. He asked me what “my thing” was, and I told him I have a Speedo fetish and I love getting bound and gagged while wearing a tight Speedo. He said he figured I would be able to find someone to play with me when the workshop was over because he thought it was a bunch of tops/doms and they might enjoy having a little bit of bondage fun after their program was finished.

Let me explain. I have always had a mixed feeling about wearing a Speedo. On the one hand, it immediately makes me feel exposed and vulnerable, since it leaves very little to the imagination. Most men are not used to having their private parts seen, and few men, straight or gay, are comfortable wearing a Speedo.

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Prod – Part 02: Black Knight’s Further Adventures

By Bikermike

I received a message on Recon from my buddy Malcolm from Bourne, Lincolnshire. He described the fun he had had with a young guy a week or so before. The guy’s Recon profile name was “Black Knight” or something similar, he was thirty three years old and had a slim, gym fit body. Apparently, he couldn’t get enough of playing the “sub” or “slave” role, and could take all sorts of punishment. I immediately felt envious and more or less told Malcolm so by return message.

A day or so later he messaged saying that the lad had wanted as much BDSM experience as possible and that he was almost insatiable; the rougher and harsher play the better. Malcolm went on to say that he had suggested to the guy that he contact me, maybe to arrange a meeting. His actual name was James, he lived in Norfolk, and rode a Honda Fireblade. That would be handy for him: I live not far from Kings Lynn, at the opposite side of the Fens from Malcolm at Bourne, so not so far for him to travel.

Just before the weekend I received a Recon message from James, aka. “Black Knight Blade”. It’s easier to relate the exchange of messages verbatim:

Continue reading Prod – Part 02: Black Knight’s Further Adventures

24 hours at the Hammer

By boyinacage

Chris stood in a dim lit corner of the back bar. It was leather night at the Hammer, the local fetish bar. Every few years, when passing through this city, he had dropped in. His score rate here was average, but even if he didn’t find a hookup he enjoyed the atmosphere.

At the moment he had his eye on a pair of boots. He had a passion for a man in boots. These were laced all the way up to the man’s knees. They were black and were shined to a high polish. Chris let his eyes slowly work their way from the top of the boots to the man’s package. Tight red rubber emphasised two well-developed thighs, which in turn helped to define a tight pair of arse cheeks.

Sweeping his eyes up further, the body was defined by a two-toned rubber military shirt. The shirt was obviously designed to enhance a broad set of shoulders and two well developed pecs. Above the shoulders was the lightly bearded face of a man in his mid forties. Gently he let his eyes travel back down to the boots. He could almost taste them as he pictured himself worshiping them. If he had a weakness, it was a great pair of boots, particularly when they were a natural extension of the wearer.

Chris cursed the 20mg of Cialis he had taken before coming out. Even though he didn’t need it at all, he enjoyed the sensation of the slightest provocation sending him rock hard instantly. Now, however, with a mind of its own, it was trying to force its way out from the rubber codpiece of his jockstrap in no uncertain manner. The fact that his rubber cock ring would not release the blood from his engorged cock was not helping the situation.

Continue reading 24 hours at the Hammer

Fucking the Locker Room Thief

By SockgaggedJason

male bondage stories simulated rapeSynopsis/Description: A young nerd is caught sniffing underwear in the locker room by two hot college wrestlers who tie him up, fuck him and turn him into their new slave. Bondage, rape and smell fetish explored. Bondage positions: hogtied, tied up regular, spread eagle . Location: locker room, gym, equipment room, weight room



Owen Jensen – nerdish college student volunteers time to take care of uniforms and clean up after athletes

Johnny McDowell – captain of the wrestling team

Todd Lopez – co-captain and best friend

Young wrestlers practiced inside the gym on faded foam rubber mats. On a concrete wall written in big bright powder blue letters with red trim was “KALAZOO COLLEGE WILDCATS.” It was a hot box in that small athletic room and they’re soaked in sweat. Some of the young men were wearing their drenched t-shirts but most were shirtless. This was a homoerotic scene – fit, energetic young masculine males in the prime of their life grabbing at each other’s perspiring bodies.

Meanwhile as the team practiced, a slender young college student headed into their locker room pushing a large sized canvas laundry cart on rollers. It was Owen Jensen, 19, the sports equipment manager for the various teams. He was a nerdish cute sophomore with thick, flowing long and wavy golden blonde hair and green eyes.

The locker room was dimly lit and musty with the heavy stench of male body odor hovering. It was part of an old building so it’s somewhat rundown but the lockers were freshly painted powder blue, bright red mesh wire partitions line the space, and the wooden benches anchored to the cement floor are polished to a high sheen.

He started to go locker to locker and collected dirty wrestling singlets and used towels, throwing them into the laundry bin he totes. He came across a particular locker though and stopped to admire the various clothing including a pair of red Fruit of the Loom underwear and a singlet hanging up. He grabbed the underwear and copped a sniff, enjoying the pungent aroma. He rubbed himself for a moment and stuffed the underwear into his back pocket. Then he took the sheer lycra singlet into his hands and pressed the crotch of the uniform against his nose. The odor of sweaty, smelly man scent was strong and he got excited.

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Corporate Takeover – Chapter 04

By lthr_jock

Brian didn’t remain alone for long. A steady stream of people circulated through the darkroom and several stopped to look at him. Several of the twinks turned their nose up at the older man, but several stopped to appreciatively run their hands over his leather and muscles and to tease his cock. A couple took selfies with him. Brian had no idea how long he had been there when two men walked in, both hugely muscled, both bare-chested and wearing leather jeans and heavy boots. One was ginger, the other blond – he recognised them immediately. They were the guys who had clocked him in the locker room at the gym. They recognised him too and both stood in front of him grinning.

“See, I told you he was into the gear.”

“Yeah, I know. But I reckon he’s into the muscle too.”

“You reckon? Let’s check.”

The two started to do muscle poses in front of him, making their already impressive muscles swell and bulge. The effect on Brian was to make him even more aroused – this is what he wanted to be!

The two men chuckled at the reaction they were having. The ginger one stepped forward. “I see you’re training with Chris. He’s a good man. He’ll push you. But if you want to get huge, we can get you the juice you need.” He leaned in and plucked one of Brian’s hairs out of his chest. “But if you’re serious, got to get yourself shaved smooth – then you can compete.”

Continue reading Corporate Takeover – Chapter 04

A Bondage Bottom’s Speedo Fantasy

By Speedobound

stud in a speedo(This story is a fantasy written from the point of view of the bottom.)

I love to flaunt how good I look in a Speedo. As a former swim team captain I realized early on that wearing a Speedo gave me a power rush because it emphasized my physique to perfection and resulted in hordes of admirers. So when I met a guy who begged to take pictures of me wearing my Speedo, I was more than willing to go to his home for a photo shoot. When I got there I put on my Speedo and he was effusive with compliments, and he said, “I just got an idea — you should let me tie you up as part of our shoot because there is nothing so sexy as a beautiful man bound with some rope.”

I was really getting off on his admiration, so I readily agreed. He told me he had a workroom that would be a perfect backdrop for the shoot.

We went into the room and he said the metal scaffold, pulleys and chains he used for lifting his projects would give the shoot an industrial feel.

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A Bondage Top’s Speedo Fantasy

By Speedobound

stud in a speedo(This story is a fantasy written from the point of view of The Top.)

I was able to lure a cocky swim team captain into my dungeon by telling him I wanted to do a photo shoot, and by appealing to his narcissism I was able to convince him into allowing me to tie him up while he was wearing nothing but his Speedo. I said there is nothing sexier than a man wearing a Speedo who gets tied up by a leatherman. I told him the dungeon was my workroom and it would be a perfect backdrop for this kind of a photo shoot, and he bought it all!

After he arrived and changed into his Speedo, I led him into the playroom/dungeon. I handed him a pair of leather cuffs to put on his ankles and told him it would add to the mystique of the shoot. Then I told him to sit on the floor under a steel frame lifting station, to bend over and wrap his arms underneath his calves, reaching around and grabbing the front of his ankles. While he was crouched over, the position appeared fairly benign, and he permitted me to bind his wrists tightly to his ankles with some rope (thus sealing his fate).

Continue reading A Bondage Top’s Speedo Fantasy