Category Archives: Story

The Rules – Part 3

By Miles Pierce

It was a deep, dreamless sleep. When Jeremy awoke he had no idea where he was and he felt like he was floating.

As he struggled to consciousness, his body reminded him of the painful lessons from the last few days. Or had it been weeks? Jeremy knew he’d been drugged again but he had lost all sense of time. Still blindfolded he shook the last bit of sleep away and focused on his new predicament.

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The Rules – Part 2 – A Painful Review

By Miles Pierce

The pulley system had taught him a painful lesson but it was just the first of his studies. He had taught himself to move through the pain but he couldn’t let himself completely touch the floor, the pain was too intense. Just as his exhausted muscles had finally given out and he resigned himself to the impossible pain, he felt a slack in the tug on his balls and he gingerly let himself fully rest on the floor.

The relief was enormous but he could still feel the dull ache in his testicles.

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A Fantasy Revealed

By Marknorth

My heart was pounding as the plane taxied to the gate. It wouldn’t be very log until I was fully at his mercy and the second thoughts were looming large in my mind.  Not that I had any choice but to follow through.  I had no return ticket and too little money to even get out of the city at this point.  Besides, he had enough humiliating pictures of me that would be posted all over the internet if I tried to avoid the inevitable.  I was going to be locked up and under his complete control for the next three days.

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The Slave Auction – Part 1

By Pfc Pfledge

Randy woke earlier than usual that Saturday, and then, realizing it was Saturday, snuggled back down in his comfortable bed, enjoying the laziness and half-awakedness of a day when he did not have to work. It was going to be a hot day in Atlanta, but right now, the temperature seemed just right. Randy had turned the air conditioning off the night before, and was enjoying the gentle breeze through his window, and the muffled sound of early morning traffic on Atlanta’s streets. He lazed drowsily under a single sheet, luxuriating in the pleasant knowledge that he didn’t have to work today.

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Gay Male Cuckold: A True Story

By Slave eric

True story

One of the first times we started cuckolding my bf meet a guy that was very muscular and they hit it off right away. He went on a few dates with him and told him about me and how sometimes he would put me in a chastity belt. Well this guy found it very Hot and wanted to know if my Bf would lock me up and let him hold the key.

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