Category Archives: Story

Excerpt From Leather Affection

By ty dehner

ty dehner authorLance is in bed, naked. The bed covers lay across the lower part of Lance’s body, leaving his chest exposed, as he listens to the rain falling on the roof. His uncovered arm moves from his side, sliding over the edge of the bed. On the floor is Sean, laying on his side facing away from the bed. The boy wears a thick two-inch leather collar, a pair of Lance’s lace-up Wesco Jobmaster boots, spiked leather codpiece and leather chest harness. His ankles are bound in leather restraints that are locked together. Leather restraints on Sean’s wrists keep his arms together before him.

The boy is a bit chilly on the floor, but he likes being captive in his Master’s bedroom. Lance reaches down, running his hand on Sean’s arm. As Lance touches the boy, Sean opens his eyes, turning his head toward the Master.

“You awake, Sir?”

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Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 20

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 20: Opportunities for Success in Uniformed Service

I’m leaving out a lot of stuff about the “guests.”  The kids that trip you in the hall.  The people that open their doors and see you and squirm and slither away as far as they can get, hoping not to catch your disease.  The old gentlemen who like to tell you jokes.  “Hey boy—how many slappies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?  Don’t know?  Well, what DO you know?  Ha ha ha ha ha!  I heard that one on the tour today.”  The young ladies who check in for their bachelorette party, four to a room, and totter off to shop for their bridesmaids’ dresses, leaving their puke on the couch.  The boyfriends muscling them past the ugly slappies that would otherwise want to rape them.  The annual guests who’ve learned that if Housekeeping turns up at an inconvenient time they can always say “Corner,” and the slap will have to find the nearest one and stand there facing it until the guests are ready to leave their room.

It was good that during those first days I had Dave to keep me standing at attention with my hands behind my back, anytime there might be trouble.  And to teach me a lot more things than how to change a hotel bed.  He went way beyond what hotel management calls Guest Relations.

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Holiday Football

By RbbrStorage

As I swept my tongue across the shiny steel surface and cleaned the last of my breakfast from my bowl, I found myself dreading the day that lay ahead of me.  I really shouldn’t have. After all, it was a holiday and I’d be spending it with my partner, Tom. But it was also one of those holidays when there are never-ending football games on T.V., back to back to back.  Tom was a football fan.  I wasn’t.  It was one of the few things we didn’t have in common.

I should probably mention that sex was the most important thing that we did share in common.  And as I polished my bowl clean with my tongue, I realized that part of the dread I felt was the realization that the sexual scene we had played out since I arrived home from work the night before would certainly end before the first kick-off, since Tom always gave football his complete attention, and I would have to dutifully watch the games at Tom’s side and cheer for his teams.  Thankfully, I was mistaken.

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The Tank – Part 04

By Rubrig

Nick felt his shoulder moving and he slowly woke up and realized that he was laying on the floor of the dive tank.  The heavy helmet banged against the floor of the tank as he moved groggily.  He looked through the faceplate and saw The Boss in a black wetsuit, full face mask and a rebreather system.  The rebreather was silent and no bubbles were emitted by the unit.  This would allow the Boss to remain underwater for hours.

Nick shifted around and then pushed up with his arms and that forced him upright in the water.  He turned and faced his Boss.  The Boss nodded in his heavy mask.  Suddenly there was a click in Nick’s helmet and he heard the Boss.  The Boss was asking Nick if he was ok and did he still have water and food.  Nick responded but realized that he was not able to transmit.  The Boss told him to nod or shake his head in response to the questions.

The Boss swam slowly around the tank checking out Nick’s gear to ensure that it was still sealed and in good shape.  He came up behind Nick and reached around grabbing Nick and pulling him back onto his chest pack.  He reached down and grasped Nick’s caged cock through the heavy suit and pressed hard.  Nick grunted and felt his cock respond as pain flashed through him.

Continue reading The Tank – Part 04

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 19

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 19: Headgear that Says It All

Twenty slaps can make a huge racket when they’re reluctantly waking up, and that’s what was happening next morning, when my shift was getting ready to start.  They were rushing around in their undershorts, pissing and shitting, washing their faces and pits, and taking the hair off their faces with the little electric razors attached to the wall next to the john.  A quick jump into uniform, and at 5 am sharp (!) one of the security slaps unlocked the door of the barracks.  Everybody piled out.  Oatmeal and sausage and coffee were hitting the table.  The oatmeal was sticky and cold, and the sausage was mainly grease, but the coffee had such a kick that right away you were completely awake.  Then a door opened, stools scrunched back, and we lined up for Boss Derek’s inspection.  “Lace up those boots.”  “Yes boss.”  “Use the comb.”  “Yes boss.”  “Button that shirt, all the way up–where do you think you’re working?”  “Yes boss, ver’ sorry boss.”  “Lose that attitude.”  “Yes boss, ver’ ver’ sorry boss.”  Having readied us for the rest of our day, he sat down at his desk, and a security slap unlocked the big barred door at the end of the room.

“Follow me,” Dave said. “I’m you trainer.”

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 19

Displayed – Part 06

By Pickle

~ Chapter 26 ~

In spite of my exhaustion I manage to stay awake to be “entertained” by this hunky ginger being subjected to his punishment.  He’s really being vocal when he’s not in the goop … moaning, groaning and cursing.  I’m hearing “Fuck!” and “Jesus Christ!” out of him a lot!  I’m amazed he’s got the breath to be able to say anything, since the stretch makes it very hard to get in any air.  By the time I had a hundred and fifty pounds hanging on my legs I could barely succeed in taking even a shallow breath, so I knew with the two hundred on Saunders that he must have an amazing torso, since his muscles were holding him together and allowing him to get this much oxygen.  As built-up as his guns are, I know they must have gone from burning to the numb stage by now.

I’m surprised by the fact that I find myself enjoying seeing him hanging there in agony, and that I’m getting a kick out of seeing him disappear into the muck, and how he looks as he’s hauled out again to hang some more.  Even covered in this shit, piss, mud and compost mixture, this guy is undeniably attractive.  Other than Moore, he’s the best looking guy here and I’m surprised at myself enjoying watching him suffer.  “Fuck!  What’s wrong with me … Dill, get ahold of yourself here boy.  It’s just fuckin’ wrong to be liking seeing this happen to another human being.”  The obvious tent in my jeans as my cock pushed against the denim made it clear I was getting off on Saunders being in his predicament though, and in hearing his deep, masculine voice uttering the cursing complaints and moans.

Continue reading Displayed – Part 06

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 18

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 18:  The Best Place to Get Boeuf Bourguignon

Did you ever stand around naked?  Just stand around?  You shift from one foot to another.  You cover your nuts.  Then you uncover them, just for the hell of it.  Because you’re bored.  Bored and anxious.  You look around at the uniform stacks of uniforms.  You smell the ink as Dev rubs it over a stencil and into your clothes, turning anonymous pieces of cloth into YOUR shirt, the shirt of Tommy, slap number 21338.  First the front of the shirt, left pec; then the back of the shirt, between the shoulder blades.  Then the shorts, right thigh, left butt.  Then the underwear, right thigh, left butt.  Your boots too–21338, left side of your left boot, right side of your right boot.  And the cap.  There was room for your number on the back of your cap.  Dev was a perfectionist, so it took more than 20 minutes.

“Yeah,” he was saying, holding up a shirt to inspect his work, “like we say, they be seein you comin an goin!  Same with you shorts.  They watchin you dick, then they watchin you ass.  They wanta SEE whose ass it is.  You jus’ off thee slap farm, so you doan know.  So I’m tellin.  The freemen LOVE to look at us.  Not kiddin!  Even if you are like . . . older.”  Meaning me.  “These women jus love to flirt with you.  These men too!  Course you best not try any follow up.  Least so somebody find out.  Somebody in Crew 7.”

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 18

My Adventures With Billy – Part 14

By Robmacz

‘Name?’ I was asked, and the inmate looked me up on the computer, then looked at me strangely. He turned to the other inmate behind the counter, who seemed to be more experienced and pointed to the screen.

‘I’ll deal with this one, you carry on with the next.’

He collected two lots of underclothes, towel, blanket, and toiletries from the place the other guys had had theirs issued from, but then he left the counter and went to the back of the room. I was wondering what was going on when he reappeared with two yellow jumpsuits, which instead of having DOC on the back like all the others had SSU printed on it. Then unlike the other guys who had been issued with black boots, he put a pair of orange canvas shoes on top.

‘Why I am I getting a different uniform?’ I asked.

‘Cuz you goin to the Special Segregation Unit. You’d better watch your back in there.’

Continue reading My Adventures With Billy – Part 14