Click for Serious Male Bondage
Have loved keeping up with this. I really wish I had the opportunity to trade places with him!
wow … really hot … it must be very tired this position but also it must be really hot … lucky boi …
The Warden
Do be careful for that, that you wish for!
So pleased you have enjoyed following the inmate during his incarceration.
I feel the Governor has also enjoyed the experience and as such may well instruct me to upload further inmates predicaments during there stay here at his Institution.
I expect it will be dependent on comments just like yours and if there is a wish for it to continue.
Sure … u have to continue upload pics … i’m waiting them every day.
The term governor and warden reminds me of the old web page about the Institution – loved the pictures on that site – any relationship?
Keep the pictures coming they are awesome – might consider changing places sometime with the victim.
The Warden
As I have written to some one else on the matter your comment of any relationship is quite correct.
By Jackson Amacher
I’m not an expert in paintball, but I had played a few times before. My friend Jonas knew that, so he invited me on a game at a famous site in western North Carolina with a couple of his friends, and
I agreed to go along. We drove out there Friday after work, doing about 90 in Jonas’ new Ford Explorer. There was the two of us, plus three other guys Jonas knew.
To see the more of this, go to Brutal Tops
This website is four years old today.
Here are some of my favorite and more popular postings from the past four years (in no particular order):
High-security lock box for handcuffs
Richard Hunter says I am a wimp
A rubber dude gets bolted down with chains and padlocks
Click for Chained Muscle
This is what rts wears when he is writing bondage stories for Metalbond:
To read some stories by rts, click here
By Catdude
A sharp buzz roused me out of my sleep, grey concrete walls were the first thing to welcome me back to the world of wakefulness; that and, of course, the thick steel bars. I stretched out, the thin mattress on the floor was only slightly better than nothing at all, which was the price I would pay for disobedience. I reflected on this as I stretched, every muscle ached, but I was used to that now, the dull throbbing pain had become just another part of my everyday life.