Rubber Rebounds in New England

The guys over at New England Rubber Men asked that this be posted to Metalbond:

A fetish community turns out as RubberJason takes the title of Mr. New England Rubber


BOSTON (April 12, 2012) – The world of rubbermen contests began in Boston with the Mr. Vulcan competition two decades ago. Now, New England is reclaiming its place as a hub of the rubber-kink community. More than 100 kinksters turned out as 37-year-old Jason Lynch, (aka, RubberJason) donned the sash of the 2nd annual Mr. New England Rubber.

In the eyes of many, the event marked a sea change for the region’s rubber fetish community. Rubber and latex fetish have long been a minor component of kink culture, especially in the leather-dominated Northeast. However, the last year has witnessed a growing number of rubber enthusiasts at organized fetish events—and has spawned the new organization, the New England Rubber Men, which has more than 50 members despite having formed a mere five months ago.

“I can’t say how proud I am of the enormous response we’ve seen in such a short amount of time,” said Lynch, who is one of the founding members of the New England Rubber Men. “I think there are a lot of guys in this area who have been a little intimidated to show their rubber-kink side. Now, they’re finding out that this area’s fetish community is a big and welcoming place…and they’re more than happy to show up.”

And, they’ll have plenty of new opportunities to do just that. Along with first-runner-up GloveBoy, second-runner-up Clark Longhammer, and last year’s winner Nochmal, Lynch and the New England Rubber Men will host several rubber events around New England including various demos and social get-togethers.

“I think we’re at the start of something big in New England—something that will open the kink community to a much bigger group, “ said Justin Eddy (SirJustin), owner of the MNER contest and International Mr. Deaf Leather 2011.

Lynch will now have an opportunity to represent the New England rubber community on an international stage by donning the MNER sash (which was designed by latex fashion icon, The Baroness) at the 16th annual Mister International Rubber Contest in November in Chicago. He has big waders to fill, however. Mr. New England Rubber 2011, Nochmal, took first-runner-up at the competition.

Supports have little doubt that the self-proclaimed “cub” will be a favorite at the competition. He was selected by a panel of judges comprised of well-known personalities within the rubber community: G-man, Mr. International Rubber 2011; Richard Nordin (Nochmal), Mr. New England Rubber 2011; Bob Roberts, Mr. American Rubber 2012; Miss Corvette, Ms. FLAG 2011; along with Brian Conway and Patrick Pierson (Pleep), two popular contestants from the Mister International Rubber 2011 contest.

Locker Room Tales – Never a Jock

By Marknorth

Part 1

I was never much of a jock.  Alright, to be truthful, I wasn’t athletic in the least.  I had never played any sports in High School – I was too small and too uncoordinated.  I hated gym class – it only proved the point and the other guys never failed to point out how inept I was.  They hated having me on their team as I was sure to screw up and cost them the game.  The football team was the worst at harassing me.  They would make sure that I was somehow tackled by mistake every time we played flag football in gym.

Continue reading Locker Room Tales – Never a Jock

What would you decide to do?

Hey guys, here is a challenge from Metalbond and Mister-X: Read the story below and then post a comment or send me an email about what YOU would do, and what you would like to see happen next.

What would you decide to do?

By Mister-X / Spartan

Many of us who live alone dream about having someone always available at our beck and call to put us into bondage.  But how many of us, when suddenly given this opportunity, would trust a perfect stranger to now live in our home and perform this task?

Continue reading What would you decide to do?

Jim Stewart

I learned today that Jim (Maurice) Stewart has passed away.

JimStewart_01Jim, who was a writer, playwright and producer, founded Fetters in London in 1976, which is now an internationally known source of efficient physical restraint equipment and other erotic fetish gear. Fetters was inspired by Jim’s profound interest in Harry Houdini and escapology. Jim had a website, called Houdini Connections.

I had the pleasure of meeting Jim when he came to present at GMSMA in New York City in the mid 1990s. Since then, we had been regular correspondents via email over the years.

He will be missed.

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The Freshman

By Aussielthrbiker

Part 1

I met Matthew during my first week at uni and discovered, much to my pleasure, that he was in all the same lectures as me.  He was a surfer type, 6 foot, athletic build, with long blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

At the end of lectures on Friday afternoon, he asked if I would like to drop by his place for a coffee.  I lived in a dorm on campus; Matthew shared a house with two other students about 10 minutes walk off campus.  He explained that his house mates, Nick and Brad had gone away for the weekend.

Continue reading The Freshman