An Afternoon in the Bush

By Catdude

The box sat in the middle of the room, nothing about it all that distinctive. The only thing that would draw attention to it where it placed next to another wooden box was the hooded head that poked out of a hole in the top. The hood that could be seen at a casual glance was a English s10 gasmask, it had been modified so that instead of straps at the back it was the front part of a rubber hood.

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Cruising Al PacinoDid anyone ever see the movie Cruising with Al Pacino? Apparently this movie was quite controversial when it came out — according to the Back in the Gays website, some of the interior shots were made to look like the legendary Mineshaft sex club.

Anyway, a local friend of mine told me this true story of his PARENTS taking him and his brother (both of whom turned out to be gay) to see Cruising when they were kids:

My father, with the misguided idea that the movie was about “cars cruising” took my gay brother, my mom and me to see this movie. My brother and I had boners the entire film, and my parents sat there in utter shock. A great childhood memory!

Men show off their neck chains and padlocks

Hey guys! A whole bunch of you have sent in pictures of yourselves wearing chains padlocked around your necks. Check THIS out:



metrosin24 writes:

Hey Metalbond!

I have been a longtime fan of your site. Thanks for posting such great stuff. I was recently collared by a SIR for the first time. My time with him has been out of this world! He came to visit me in NYC this weekend, and we went to the top of the Empire State Building. I know you have been asking for some pictures of boys in collars. Well, here I am at “the top of the world!” It was such a great experience to share with my SIR. Hopefully there are many more experiences just like it to come.

Feel free to post the picture if you like.

Keep up the great work.

—boy b


Metal responds:

Thanks boy b aka metrosin24! That is a memorable picture, indeed!

Guys, here are even more pictures of men wearing chains that are padlocked on:

MetalbondNYC_ChainCollar_02 MetalbondNYC_ChainCollar_03 MetalbondNYC_ChainCollar_04 MetalbondNYC_ChainCollar_05 MetalbondNYC_ChainCollar_06

Jockstrap gets a new collar

Jockstrap sent some new pictures and information about his ongoing predicament at the hands of his sadistic trainer.

jockstrap bondage

Jockstrap writes:

Dear Metal,

I saw the pic you posted of the guy with the weight belt and thought for a minute that it was gonna end up locked on me – then i read on and realized it was just a pic someone had sent in!

Things are much the same here, with the BIG exception that i got my new collar locked on me last week and it’s a tough one. It’s pretty hardcore and keeps my head up and rigid – it was hand made by a saddler. The ‘rein’ is padlocked to the ring on the collar. Currently its on for keeps – comes off only so i can shave before training.

The other shows my arse and legs post caning – you can see the lock of the chains which attach to my rig – this makes going to the toilet a challenge – possible but only just.


forced workouts gay male bondage

Self-bondage game with a large padlock and key in the mail

Hey guy’s it’s Friday night and check out what MarkNorth just did!



Marknorth writes:

Dear Metal:

I put my fate into the hands of the US Post Office tonight!

I have some work that I need to get done away from the office (plenty for Friday and Monday), so I did the deed and dropped the key in the mail to myself and snapped a lock and chain on tonight.

I dropped the key in after the last pick-up time today, so it will not go out until tomorrow evening. If all goes well, the key will be back in my box Monday – but I won’t be able to “sneak in” and get it until early evening, to avoid the possibility of being seen with this ridiculously large and heavy chain on my neck!

I’m attaching a set of pics for your amusement.

This will be the first time I have done something like this on my own, where the key is completely out of my possession. Even in extended self-bondage scenes the key has always been in my house, even if inaccessible for periods of time! Now it’s totally out of reach.

Well, we’ll see how this goes – I was nervous, but hard as hell, as I released the envelope into the mailbox on my way home from work tonight!


At least (hopefully most) 4 days’ worth of this thing around my neck …


02_Envelope-Ready 03_Key-Dropped-In 04-Drop-in-the-mail 05_Locked-On-2