Tag Archives: About This Site

The big Tumblr announcement

Just today, Tumblr announced that it is going to be banning all porn content later this month. Their statement is here.

I am very sad about this news. The Tumblr app on my iPad has been part of my morning beat-off routine for quite some time now, and I am very much going to miss it. For those of us who have used the platform to explore various kinks, this comes as even sadder news. If you are like me, you have probably discovered through Tumblr that you are into a number of kinks you didn’t even know existed before!

As Metalbond, I have a Tumblr page of my own, and I am not sure yet if I am going to try to keep the page going by deleting the “sensitive” posts and save my account, or let it get obliterated with countless other pages that will soon vanish.

Doomsday for the porn content on Tumblr is December 17. Therefore if there are any pictures, stories or contact information on the platform that you want, my urgent suggestion would be to save whatever you can, right now, to your hard drive!

Cutieboy90 wears Clejuso Model 8 legcuffs

Check out these pictures from our friend Cutieboy90:

Clejuso Model 8 legcuffs


Cutieboy90 writes:

“These are with the oh-so-lovely Clejuso Model 8 legcuffs. I had gotten these cuffs some time before, and on this day I decided to break them (and myself) in properly. So I wore them during the day around my apartment while I did dishes, laundry and other housekeeping chores. They were a bit hobbling, but I got used it after a while and the second day was a little easier than the first.”

Thanks for the pictures, and information, Cutieboy90! And always remember, another thing you and others can do, is read stories in the Prison Library while leg cuffed or otherwise locked up!

self bondage in legcuffs


To read bondage stories and chastity device reviews by Cutieboy90, click here.

Which are your favorite stories in the Metalbond Prison Library?

Hey prisoners, I have questions for you about the Prison Library. Which are your favorite stories? There are currently more than 860 entries! A complete alphabetical list is here. Are there any stories that have gotten you particularly excited? If so, which ones? And why? Do you beat off to these stories? Or perhaps you can’t because you are in chastity? And who are your favorite authors? A list of authors is here.

Metalbond in rubberchaps


It would be great to hear from you guys in the comments section directly below, or you can send me an email. I am also on Recon and Twitter. I will wait humbly for your feedback on bended knee, in boots and rubber chaps.

The return of story week in the Prison Library

OK prisoners, get ready for Story Week!

Metalbond Prison Library gay bondage stories to beat off to


That’s right, there will be new gay bondage fiction posted right here on the Metalbond site each night this week between 7 and 8 p.m. EST, starting tonight, Sunday night. There will be more of the ongoing series from lthr_jock and PredicamentBondage, and a new series starting up from ty dehner.

So get your leg cuffs and handcuffs ready, make sure your cock cage is securely locked, and plan accordingly.

For more information on the Prison Library — including tips on how to get the most out of your reading experience — click here.

Aug 23 update from Metal

I work on the Metalbond site in advance, and I always have it set to auto-update with fresh content each day. But unfortunately, since Aug. 9, a technical glitch was preventing the updates from showing. I also could not add new postings to let readers know what was going on.

The good news is that now, the past two weeks’ worth of missing postings are visible. So frequent visitors to the Metalbond site will want to scroll back using the “NEXT” tab at the bottom to catch up on all the posts. (I still cannot add new pictures, but working on that.)

Thanks to everyone who has been reaching out over the past two weeks asking about my welfare. I really appreciate that, as well as your patience.

– Metal (Aug 23, 2017)

Update on the Prison Library

Hey prisoners,

Just an update on the Prison Library. A number of you have sent me stories recently, and I have not forgotten to post them. It’s just that I have been having some technical difficulties with the website lately that I am trying to get resolved. I will get the new stories posted as soon as I can.

The good news is that there are some really hot stories coming to this site, from the likes of Rubrpig, ty dehner, lthr_jock and others — plus a really special surprise coming that you definitely won’t want to miss. In just a few minutes, I am going to post Part 2 of “Wanted Karl” by rts, and there will be a final Part 3 of that tomorrow.

Oh and speaking of stories, I have a brand new idea for one — so if anyone wants to write something and needs an idea, send me an email.