Tag Archives: Atlanta Stud

16 Years of MetalbondNYC

Today (March 11, 2025) marks the 16th anniversary of Metalbond! If you are new to this page, this is a FREE gay bondage adult website that is dedicated to the physically restrained male. You will find lots of pictures, previews of gay bondage porn, plenty of erotic fiction, and lots of links to other sites.

MetalbondNYC dot com is a FREE gay bondage adult website that is dedicated to the physically restrained male


As of today, there have been 10,208 individual postings on this website, including 2,016 story postings. This year alone, there has been a new story posting almost every day in January, every single day in February, and every single day so far this month in March.

While this site is aimed toward gay men, please know that ALL visitors — whether you are gay, straight, lesbian, bi, queer, trans, or non-binary — are welcome here.

Happy birthday to Atlanta Stud, who shares a birthday with the Metalbond site!

And thanks to all fellow prisoners who have helped keep this site going all these years — as well as all the Masters, slaves, pups, gimps, convicts, corrections officers, rubber guys, wankers, gooners, chastity guys, jocks, bears, otters, twinks, twunks, perverts, and all-around kinksters who visit this site regularly. Thanks to ty dehner for creating the artwork (directly below). Thanks to Pisslurper, who gifted a cock cage today that is being worn right now! And an extra special thank-you to the many authors who have sent stories over the years and who continue to do so!

If you click on the image directly below it will open way bigger, and you can save it to your desktop. It can also be shared on other websites — and on social media! Please save, share, and link!

MetalbondNYC gay adult bondage website

Eagle Grove Steelworks – Part 03

By Atlanta Stud

Original photographs by Cuffman85

Original photographs by Cuffman85“Uh, yeah. Can I have the keys, please, Seth?”

“I don’t know. Do you really want out? I mean, you did lock yourself up,” Seth said with a smirk. “Jacob Hawkins, shackled and ready to be hauled off to the county jail! Get up, prisoner Hawkins. If you behave yourself, maybe the county sheriff — that would be me —will release you after breakfast.”

“Come on, Seth, I need to get home to get my chores done.”

“OK dude, here are the keys. Hey, let’s go up to the cabin at the lake when you’re done with your work. We can spend the day up there and come back around 7.”

“Cool, yeah.  I’ll knock out my chores fast so we can try to get there around 9:30?”

“And I’ll get some things together and toss them in the Jeep so we can leave as soon as you get back here.”

The guys knocked out their morning chores quick and Seth loaded food, water and a few other things in the Jeep just before he saw Jacob pulling up the drive in his beat-up Dakota.

“Well, if it isn’t prisoner Hawkins!”

Continue reading Eagle Grove Steelworks – Part 03

Eagle Grove Steelworks – Part 02

By Atlanta Stud

stories by Atlanta studSeth put on his Tecova Doc square toe boots and, with Jacob in the lead, hands secured in the Peerless cuffs, they hopped up in Seth’s hand me down Wrangler and Seth buckled up Jacob.

“Hey, toss me the sweatshirt on the back seat so I can cover up my hands so nobody sees the cuffs.”

“Hah, nothing doing, buddy.  I doubt anyone will see them anyway with the doors and windows on this ‘old thing.  Sit back and enjoy the ride.  I’ll take the cuffs off once we get to the Army Navy store.”

The smaller two-lane state highways didn’t bother Jacob much, it was when they hit 35 South, the four-lane divided, that he got nervous.  Someone in a pickup or a trucker in a rig would surely see the cuffs if they glanced over, so he pulled the sleeves of his long sleeve t-shirt over as much as he could to hide the metal.

Continue reading Eagle Grove Steelworks – Part 02

Eagle Grove Steelworks – Part 01

By Atlanta Stud

stories by Atlanta studNestled in Iowa, just 25 miles northeast of Fort Dodge, is the small town of Eagle Grove, with a population of just over 3500.  It’s a farming community with solid farmhands who are strong from the endless days working the crops and playing sports.  Two of those men, Seth and Jacob, were close. Their farms were next to each other, and they were the same age, having known each other their whole lives.  Now, aside from farming and sports, there’s not a lot to do in Eagle Grove, and bros being bros, Seth and Jacob found ways to have fun.  The usual playing catch, trying to get the forty-year-old LTD to run again that’s been parked behind the barn all those years and hanging out in the woods were just a few.  Seth and Jacob both had impressive physiques.

They were about 5-foot-11, with muscled arms, defined pecs and definition in the abs region.  Seth sported chest hair with a nice treasure trail going down the abs, while Jacob had a light dusting of hair in the chest region.

Continue reading Eagle Grove Steelworks – Part 01

Nick and Daniel – Part 8

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudZac crashed for the next few hours with good reason. After spending the night locked up in a set of transport shackles and then spending some time chained up to the basement post, he was beat. It was noon before he hit the shower and headed out to run a few errands for the day. It was a scorcher that afternoon so he opted for his cargo shorts, his favorite snug fitting navy Under Armour Just Saying sleeveless tank and his worn low Chucks. It was almost dinner before he got back and he noticed Nick and Daniel kicking around a soccer ball in the front yard, their shirtless physiques glistening with sweat in the late afternoon sun. Zac was pretty cut himself, but he admired Nick’s physique, the muscular trimmed hairy chest that looked bullet proof. With his two bags of new workout clothes in tow, he headed over to chat with the men and soon found himself engaged in the battle of the soccer ball.

By the time it was over, it was a sweaty mess of three muscular hunks.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 8

Nick and Daniel – Part 7

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudA few moments later Daniel was ringing the bell at Zac’s. Zac made his way from the bedroom to the front door, carefully opening it so that he wouldn’t be on display to any potential neighbors passing by. Daniel entered and took in the sight of his well-built neighbor locked in steel — and he again liked what he was seeing. Just like Nick, Zac looked great in steel restraints.

“Well boy, looks like you’re in a bit of a pickle, doesn’t it? How long you been locked up, boy?”

“Since last night. Actually had to try and sleep like this, and that’s not easy.”

“Well, do you want out, or do you want to stay locked up a while longer?” Daniel said with a wicked grin and a wink of the eye.

“I think I’m ready to be set free,” Zac said as he offered his locked wrists to Daniel.

Daniel instead handed Zac the keys so that he could watch him remove the manacles himself. He enjoyed watching a guy unlock himself every now and then. Zac then handed over the transport set to Daniel along with the box they came in.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 7

Nick and Daniel – Part 6

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta Stud“Well tails of course.” Zac laughed.

The coin hit the ground and flipped a couple times, tails side up.

“Guess it’s your lucky night, boy. Let’s get you out of that Darby set.”

Daniel stared at the leg irons, working his way up to the neck collar. The shirtless neighbor boy was now free of the metal that once imprisoned him. He rubbed his wrists and felt around his neck, and he couldn’t help but think that it seemed as though something was missing. Strange how all that metal, once it’s no longer locked on, creates that feeling, he thought to himself.

“That’s a pretty intense set to say the least. Enjoyed the cookout, guys, but I should be getting back to hit the rack,” Zac said.

He gave Daniel a firm handshake and turned to Nick to do the same and chuckled that Nick was shaking his hand while still in the full transport set.

“Guess we forgot about this one, huh Daniel!”

“Yeah, don’t worry, I’ll let him loose in a little while — or maybe just keep him like that until morning — guess it’s up to me since I have all the keys,” Daniel said as he threw a wink to Zac.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 6