Dude, whoever you are, please contact me immediately!
Thanks to Atlanta Stud for passing this along!
Dude, whoever you are, please contact me immediately!
Thanks to Atlanta Stud for passing this along!
To read the STORIES written by this guy, click here.
… while handcuffed and wearing a Metalbond handcuff T with the sleeves cut off.
Those of you who have the new Metalbond T-shirts, please send me some pictures!
Thanks to Atlanta Stud for the picture, and for his great stories in the Prison Library!
Hot British escape artist Rob Roy Collins is seen in several YouTube videos doing escapes while wearing mid-calf boxing boots!
Thanks to Metalbond contributor Atlanta Stud for passing this along!
Hey prisoners, Atltanta Stud is definitely someone who knows how to keep your cock hard — or straining in your cock cage! You can read his STORIES by clicking here. Oh, and for those who might be curious, yes, Atlanta Stud definitely has a smoking-hod bod! (I know this because I know him in real life.)
Here are some of the newest bondage stories added to Metalbond:
Tim the Bondage Slave by Mister X / Spartan (new chapters added)
Amazon Agony – Part 1 and Part 2
What Do You Do When You Know You’re Being Mind-Fucked?
More stories coming soon!
Here are some of the latest gay male bondage-themed stories that have been added to the Prison Library here on the MetalbondNYC site:
Click HERE to go to a Flickr page of various inmate photos:
Thanks to Metalbond story contributor Atlanta Stud for passing this link along!