Tag Archives: Bad Boy Bondage

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 08

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 8: Nothing Is Perfect

At the hotel, a nice lunch in the King George Grill, a long nap, another good meal in the Oak Room, and many occasions to consider, while sloshing the liquids in my glass, what it might be like to live here.  And there were a couple of entertaining events.

Cedric, my busboy at dinner, was a slappie I didn’t remember seeing before.  His distinctive attire told me why.  Instead of the standard brown slappie cap, he wore a white, fez-like piece of headgear imprinted with SERVANT IN TRAINING in large black letters.  It was like one of those dunce caps you see in cartoons.  Which was appropriate.  The guy fumbled and bumbled and finally, rushing to clear my table for the dessert course, fell over his boots in a crash of plates and glasses.  Everyone looked up, shocked at the breach of discipline.  A waiter strode out of the kitchen, followed by two large slappies.  The slappies picked up the dishes; the waiter grabbed Servant in Training by the ear and pulled him out of the room.  The guests smiled appreciatively: the King George knew how to handle these things.  The slappie would get the lesson it needed.  After all, it was 40 years old!  Obviously, old enough to know better.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 08

Pleroma – Part 13

By Taurus

Part 13 – demo_sequence

“This is a bit of a crazy contraption, but it’s still a prototype – I’ll show you the finalised designs in a couple weeks, maybe.”

Matt led a group of men in black into the simulation room, fully tricked out and utilised; Luke, naked, was strapped into the chair while tubes ran to and from his every opening to facilitate feeding and waste secretion.

There were murmurs between the men in suits. That Matt tried to “reassure” them that Luke was here to test out extended stays in the simulation system did not serve to lessen their shock, as Vantage covertly pointed out to Matt through an earpiece.

“Inspectors are becoming concerned and uneasy. Recommended action: proceed quickly.”

Continue reading Pleroma – Part 13

Locked in a coffin cage

At BadBoyBondage.com, the Master puts his toy into the coffin cage and then with a long cane encourages the captive to dance for him. When the Master tires of the dancing, he suggests that he will let the prisoner go if he cums. Despite the encouragement, the captive has performance issues and so gets left in the cage.

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See the video at BadBoyBondage.com

Title of this video: “The Sensuous Master, Part 7

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