“Hot Riveted Shackles” and “Belly Tickle Therapy” are among the newest videos availble at Men in Chains:
See these and many others VIDEOS at Men In Chains
“Hot Riveted Shackles” and “Belly Tickle Therapy” are among the newest videos availble at Men in Chains:
See these and many others VIDEOS at Men In Chains
In this recent shoot at Serious Male Bondage, Mark, Bind and Boy Blake create a movie scene:
To see the VIDEO of ‘Middle of Nowhere,’ go to Serious Male Bondage
Check out the pictures and information below from Bind,
Bind writes,
I was locked in 200 feet of chain, 50 padlocks, 15 slave shackles, and then welded into the cage for the day. We made a humorous bondage video where I was put this way so that I could sleep. The funny thing about it is that there is a lot of truth to it. I sleep better confined than free. Yes, I really did fall asleep while this was being videotaped, too.
Be sure to check out the video at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: GETTING BIND TO SLEEP
Bind’s site is Men in Chains
For all the guys out there who like mechanical and electrical stuff, this video is for you.
See this video at Serious Male Bondage
It’s what happens at Serious Male Bondage
See the VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this update: DIY BONDAGE PROJECTS – PART 1-2
The cravat is also known as the scavenger’s daughter, as demonstrated by our friend Bind.
Note: This device is featured in the story Busman’s Holiday by lthr_jock!
VIDEO available at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this shoot: Fun in Vegas