By ty dehner
my time with Sir is coming to an end in 4 days. It doesn’t seem like we’ve been together for a week. Today is a quiet day. A thunderstorm passed over this morning as we did our stretching. We are going to spend some time apart this afternoon as Sir visits a friend. This is fine since we have been together nonstop since Friday Evening. But if we were in a M/s relationship, we would be apart many hours of the day because of work and other commitments. Our time this week is a special one, for we learned a lot about each other and this gives us better ideas of what can be expected in the future. Many boi’s dreams of being with a Master 24/7 every minute of the day. But that becomes a chain around the Masters neck. A burden. A good boi should be able to function on his own, find things to make his time productive. A great Master would value the time to himself, as should a great boi. The relationship and service to the Master is extremely important. But that service can and should include time for each to be alone.
We have kept active in the past several days. Of course, we have been to the gym. i’m not sure how Sir rates my performance. He sez i did well and i believe him. But i also think i’ve let him down since i haven’t progressed as much. What i am happy with, that even after these workouts, i am not overly sore or stuff. That tell me my stretching is paying off. And i suppose i can eventually increase the weight.