Tag Archives: collars

Wes undergoes a ball-busting forced workout

Beautiful, muscular Wes Morales moans in agony as he attempts to hold the weight stretching his scrotum when the man torturing him shortens the length of the chain, making it even harder to bear the weight and increasing the pain inflicted on the most sensitive part of his body even more. The man then adds another 30 pounds as Wes’ arms tremble uncontrollably. The steel cuff around his scrotum slowly slides up over his balls, squeezing them painfully, as the naked jock screams “Fuck, fuck!!” Finally, the bar slips from his hands and his balls must bear the entire weight. No muscle man has ever suffered so badly and looked so good doing so.

Wes undergoes a ball-busting forced workout

Wes undergoes a ball-busting forced workout


See the VIDEO at Dream Boy Bondage

Title: Wes Morales: U.S. Marine – Chapter 9

Dream Boy Bondage videos

See the VIDEO at Dream Boy Bondage

Chain Gang – Part 05

By slaveobjectx

The Collar

But when the ‘blacksmith’ suddenly produced out of his heap of irons a real ancient metal slave collar and tried to put it round my neck, I really resisted. I assure you I was completely freaked out when I saw the big band of heavy steel that they obviously meant me to wear from now on. It seemed huge enough to keep an elephant in check. It was one-and-a-half times as thick as my anklets and bracelets, and some three inches high. I saw that it must have a weight of five or six pounds at least.

I was horrified by the idea that they would fasten it around my neck in the same way as they had done with the cuffs around my ankles and wrists. Because I suddenly sensed that I would have to wear that collar the whole time of my imprisonment here too, I started to shout.

‘Fuck you, you bastards, you can’t do this to me. I’m not a fucking animal! I’m a man! I got rights.’ I really struggled, trying to bite them and kick them as they pinioned my arms but I was one against three and it was hopeless.

Continue reading Chain Gang – Part 05

More behind-the-scenes footage of JimmyUSMC in heavy irons

Here are a few more behind-the-scenes images from the filming of the popular Appleville movies that are available at Men In Chains. As a bonus, at Serious Male Bondage, you can see behind-the-scenes videos that were shot during the filming, and much of the footage is with the indefatigable JimmyUSMC.

Jimmy USMC in metal bondage

Click for Serious Male Bondage


extreme male bondage videos

Pictures and video: Jeremy Spreadums at Dream Boy Bondage

Jeremy Spreadums at Dream Boy Bondage

Jeremy Spreadums gets paid big bucks to dance on stage and perform on film. He keeps his body is perfect condition and turns heads at the gym and the club. He’s a hot piece of ass and he knows it. But, deep inside, he knows he’s just another bottom, a slave who deserves to be punished – for his arrogance and his self-regard. He has fantasized for years of being beaten and tortured, to truly suffer, for no other reason than his beauty and his sex appeal. Today, his wish finally comes true. He’s bolted to a wall in our dungeon and flogged on his pecs, stripped naked and flogged some more. “Harder, Sir, harder!” he begs as the flogger digs into his flesh. “You deserve this pain,” his master, Felix Frost, tells him. “Yes, Sir!” Jeremy replies, his body trembling with pain. And the pain is going to get much, much worse – more than he can handle. But first Felix is going to enjoy that cock.

Here is a free video preview:


See the whole thing at Dream Boy Bondage

Title of this shoot: Jeremy Spreadums – Harder, Sir, Harder! – Part 1

Dream Boy Bondage