Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

Video: Emerson is tortured by Jared

Meanwhile at Dream Boy Bondage, super-sadist Jared continues to bullwhip his supine slave, then shoves a steel butt plug up his ass and shocks him with jumper cables – sometimes while whipping him.


Beautiful young Emerson remains spread-eagled, facedown on the torture table. Jared whips his slave’s back a few more times, then rubs the fresh wounds, sending Emerson into spasms of pain, his lean, naked body confusing seductively. Jared loves the captive’s long, lean body and his perfect, bulbous ass; it is so rare for such a lean guy to have such a juicy ass. Emerson’s beauty drives Jared to hurt him even more, delivering punishing lash after punishing lash, even as Emerson looks up at him, his moist eyes begging for mercy. But Jared is just getting started. He shoves a massive, steel butt-plug up the prisoner’s ass, sending him into more convulsions, then attaches jumper-cables to the butt plug and Emerson’s wrist. The shocks are unbelievable, lifting Emerson off the table as he screams and whimpers. His body has never looked better. Jared is such a sadist he even whips the captive while the current is flowing.

Dream Boy Bondage

Title of this shoot: Emerson Palmer – Smooth As Silk – Part 4

See this and more at Dream Boy Bondage

gay bondage buttplay

Video: Austin is bound on a horizontal X-cross

Meanwhile at Dream Boy Bondage, Austin is tortured with the single-tail whip and sprays of alcohol. Then he’s fucked with a steel dildo – and shocked with electrodes attached to it.


A few days ago, Austin was a college kid whose biggest worry was making sure he didn’t get a co-ed pregnant. Now, every muscle in his body aches, his back is scarred from hours of whipping and he is bound, naked, to a horizontal X-cross. His head hangs back, causing his lean torso to arch seductively. The man torturing him – young, strong and sadistic as hell – enters the dungeon, with a bullwhip in his hand! Austin can’t believe he will be whipped on his chest and stomach. The first lash – on the top of his pecs – feels like a knife and hot branding iron hitting him at the same time. The lashes keep coming, slow and steady, until his torso, from his neck to his pubes, is brutally marred. Then Jared sprays the wounds with alcohol and rubs them hard with his fingers. The pain is unbearable. But it gets worse: Austin’s virgin ass is fucked with a steel dildo – and electric current is sent surging into his bowels.

Title of this shoot: “Austin – Frat Boy Tease – Part 7”

See more at Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday

Things that pinch

It’s all about things that pinch in these shoots from the bondage masters over at Dream Boy Bondage and Roped Studs. Check out the free video clips below, which look great in full-screen mode.

First, at Dream Boy Bondage, Topher has his pecs and ball-sack ringed with clothespins. Then Jared places one of those steel wood clamps — you know, the kind that can crush a finger — right on the tip of his cock:



And at Roped Studs, meanwhile, Lance climaxes his series by pumping out a massive load of cum all over his abs — right after they cover his dick with little clips, and a really nasty one right on the tip.



To see more, go to Dream Boy Bondage



And also go to Roped Studs


A Week in Chains – Part 1

By asiancuffs

Background: In the south Pacific in SE Asia, there is a country that made up of thousands of islands – country P. The whole country suffers from the economy downturn so much that people were trying to make money in any way. After the removal of the naval base, some of our marines were still there. Among them, there was a guy (Chuck) into heavy metal bondage and POW programs. After liaisons with the local authorities, he came up with an exciting POW/Chain Gang role play.

Continue reading A Week in Chains – Part 1

Video: Dirk Wakefield is crucified and tortured at Dream Boy Bondage

Scroll down for a free video preview from the men of Dream Boy Bondage. In this episode, Dirk, his wounds largely healed after being rented out as a fuck slave for four weeks, is crucified, shocked with the cattle prod and tortured with clothespins.

A month ago, Dirk was brutally tortured for several days, the front and back of his firm body covered with deep, red whip wounds. They tortured him at the request of his master and, in return, were allowed to use Dirk as they pleased for the rest of the month. So, for the last four weeks, Dirk has been a fuck slave, his ass and mouth used by scores of men. They kept his body hairless, as a sign of his slave status, but they hadn’t tortured him – until today. Today he is laid on the cold dungeon floor, naked, arms spread wide and strapped to a wood beam, ankles cuffed together. His brutalized skin has had time to recover, although a few fading welts are still visible. He’s hauled up onto his tiptoes, crucifixion-style. Then Jared enters with a cattle prod and a pocket full of clothespins. After being repeatedly shocked and crucified for hours, Dirk’s cock, balls and nipples are covered with pins until he literally trembles in agony.

Here is a free video preview:


Title of this shoot: Dirk Wakefield – Kept Boy – Part 7

See the whole thing at Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!