By R8080
Outside the Sun had already begun to rise and the rain of the previous night was nowhere to be seen.
Alex stood on the threshold of the kitchen. The leather harness was squeezing the rubber suit he was wearing, keeping him constantly horny, but with his hands bound behind his back there was nothing he could do to get relief.
His Master appeared in his vision holding a small bag. The posture collar around Alex’s neck prevented him from looking at anything except what his Master wanted him to. His Master looped a finger through one of the heavy rings in the collar and tugged Alex forwards, out of the house.
Alex took a cautious step outside, the metal of the hoof boot biting into the top of his foot. Already he could feel his legs burning with the effort of standing on his tip toes.
“No one will see you,” his Master said, answering Alex’s unasked question. “It’s you and me boi. You’ll learn that you can only be free when you’re under my control.”
“Yes Sir,” Alex tried to say, but the metal bit gag across his mouth made the words sound like a muffled gurgle.
Continue reading A Rubberboi on the Farm – Chapter 05 →