The Guys In Lockup experience offers a full, high-definition vision of guys in lockup, which begins for the inmates when the steel door of the jail intake area closes behind them.
Click for Guys In Lockup
The Guys In Lockup experience offers a full, high-definition vision of guys in lockup, which begins for the inmates when the steel door of the jail intake area closes behind them.
Click for Guys In Lockup
At Strip Search Hell, the prison officers have to assess whether a prisoner will cause them problems. A chap can come in with the full intension of behaving but then become really really bad. They can kick off, fall out with other inmates, cause jeolousy in others or spread trouble throughout the whole jail population. That’s why cleanliness and lots of big intimate inspections are so important and it doesn’t matter how many times a guy is stripped and closely prodded and investigated. This guy is clean, but it’s great to watch him being revealed and have to open up his arsehole cheeks.
See VIDEO of this at Strip Search Hell
Unical date: 3752.563.24 (seventeen days until scheduled arrival at Kappa Redulans)
It was morning, or morning-enough given Sam’s lack of concern for actual clock readings. He got out of bed, dismissed the bedroom, brought up the bathroom, then dismissed that, then had a nice breakfast from a buffet at another of Mr. Featherstone’s most-visited places, and then left the simspace to attend to his “work day”. Two minutes to verify that the engines and navigation systems were still chugging along, five minutes to drop out of warp to send and receive “plan still on track” status messages, done. Then it was back to the simspace.
The previous night, while lying in the blissfully-comfortable simspace bed, an idea had occurred to Sam of what he could try next. It would be a longer scene than any he had done so far, but he deemed it would be safe to try. The key, he was thinking, was to avoid the pre-programmed sims and go with something that had a bit of randomness built in. Sort of like his instructions to the trio of holo-stars: “do this to me, then ignore anything else I say except X” only expanded well beyond the scope of a sleepsack. Maybe that would make it feel more real. To that end, he spent the morning designing and laying in the program parameters himself, building up characters and settings pulled from the library, defining a range of possible options but only in the vaguest of terms, leaving the actual implementation to be determined randomly by the simspace AI at run-time and making sure to leave himself clearly-defined exit conditions.
Continue reading Captain Jack and the Race to Redula – Chapter 04: Capture
Things take a turn for the creepy today at Men In Chains. Today’s main video update is called “Inanimate – Part 5”
Also new today: “Bind in Lock Down Full Time – Day 112”
See both these VIDEOS and many more at Men In Chains
By Robmacz
Chris did as he was told and he felt the cuffs snap round his wrists as he had so often before. But this time it was different. This time it was real. This time there was no safe word that would grant him instant release. He was now a prisoner, there was no escape. He wasn’t a gentleman who was paying for his pleasures, among people he knew, people who were ready to play his game. He was a convict, and nothing but a convict. The young officer’s eyes were brown, with curious little gold flecks, and the look in his eyes said ‘There’s nothing special about you, boy.’
The officer led Chris through the door and into a waiting room, though this was no airport departure lounge or even a hospital waiting room. The benches were steel and they were bolted to the floor. The officer patted Chris down, checking his pockets, but there was only his wallet and phone, which the officer left.
‘Sit’ the officer said, pointing to a bench and producing a pair of legcuffs. He secured one round Chris’s leg and another to the steel bench. He left without another word and Chris sat in the room alone.
One of the “heaviest” bondage scenes ever!
VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: Cement Shoes
Bind’s own site is called Men In Chains
In this update from Serious Male Bondage, a prisoner is restrained in a jail cell with bungee tension straps and then gets tickled!
VIDEO at Serious Male Bondage
Title of this video: Bungee Tension Straps
Mark from Serious Male Bondage writes:
The bungee tension straps are available only from the Discerning Specialist website. They are extremely well made and can handle a full weight load. I recommend that they be purchased in a set of four or eight as they are really fun and you will find other bondage uses by attaching them together to make them longer. These bungee straps will show up in other videos on in the future.
Direct link for the bungee tension straps here.