Tag Archives: Metalbond

Questions from readers, answered …

Hi Metalbond,

My name is Mark from Sydney, Australia. I have really enjoyed your site over the years, so firstly just wanted to say I appreciate the effort you put in to it. I am still exploring bondage at the moment, but my experience is that I am never tied up long enough.

The real reason for writing, however, is that I was wondering what has happened to Jockstrap? I am fascinated by long-term and constant bondage, and was interested in an update.

Thanks again,


Hey Mark,

Jockstrap_07Funny you should ask about Jockstrap. That’s the guy (pictured) who was locked up in weight belts and kept under constant house arrest by his personal trainer. Yeah, that guy was in deep, indeed! Severe, long-term strict bondage with lots of padlocks. The good news is that he and I have been in contact in recent weeks. He tells me that he did get a short break from the constant lockup — due to some work commitments outside his home — but that he is now back under the strict control of his personal trainer. He sent me some videos that I had to promise not to show to anyone. And he also sent me a few new pictures, which he said I could post here on Metalbond. But they need to be Photoshopped, and I am in the process of editing them. So keep checking back here to the Metalbond site, and you will see more from Jockstrap very soon.



Hey Metal,

I lost the story of the welded collar long ago. Mostly it was just food for the welded collar/chained to the wall/drain in the floor, type of story. The chain never came off, but sometimes the character slept in the same bed, but most times, in the basement chained to the wall.

Metal responds,

I think you are referring to the story The Collar by Lars, which was originally published in Drummer magazine. If you like that one you might also want to read Boot Slave.


Greetings SIR,

i love YOUR site and was wondering if YOU play at all? i will be in NYC this wednesday.


Hi CJ,

You can always try me on Recon under screen name MetalbondNYC.


Dear Metal,

Quick question. Now that I own a place, I want to get a cage. The best one I’ve found thus far is the Puppy Cage that Fetters makes. Do you happen to have any recommendations of other vendors I should check out?

Metal responds,

My cage was built by Redneck Mark, and I can’t say enough good things about him. You can read more about how my cage was made by clicking here.


Dear Metal,

I posted a comment but it didn’t appear.

Metal responds,

Due to the large volume of comments left on this site by spammers (several hundred spam comments a day), I have to moderate them and sometimes I might accidentally delete a real comment. If that is what happened, I’m sorry. Either that, or your comment was obnoxious, in which case I would have deleted it.


Dear Metal,

Since you’ve done several posts about the subject, any chance you might be interested in posting some sort of primer of gay BDSM-related places on Second Life?

—Via the Internet

Metal responds,


Running the Metalbond site takes up so much of my time now that I don’t have the time to go into Second Life anymore. This image is from the facilities of Dirk Praga of blessed memory (one of his prisoners is pictured in Dirk’s playroom). There was also the infamous Ghul prison, where prisoners could be locked up for many long months, and get physically and sexually abused by Jeb Nicholls and other guards.


Dear Metal,

About a month or two ago, I stumbled upon a story entitled “Stud Farm.” It depicts life in a Maximum Security Prison Farm as told by one of the inmates. Life is minutely regulated by the guards; the prisoners spend all their time sleeping, eating, working, being milked and polishing their boots (the only item they are allowed to wear). I’ve combed your site — I thought that was the source of the story — with no luck. Can you point me in the right direction?


Hey Phil,

Sounds like that is something that Catdude would have written. But I can’t find the exact title you mention at the moment.


Be careful when hooking up online

Hey fellas, time to get serious for a moment.

There have been a number of serious incidents here in NYC in recent weeks involving gay men getting murdered after hooking up with other men they met online. These incidents have received widespread media attention in the local papers and TV news broadcasts.

Guys, PLEASE be careful when meeting up with new guys for sex play … ESPECIALLY if it involves bondage! Here are some tips that you might find useful:

  • If you are going to seek a play partner out online, I would strongly suggest you stick to a tried-and-true profile site like Recon, and avoid Craig’s List. (With Craig’s List, especially if you are going for bondage play, you are just taking too big a risk, in my opinion.)
  • When you are on a site like Recon, the guy’s profile will give you a much better sense of him. Does he have multiple pictures of himself available? Do they match? How long has he has had a profile on the site? Does he have friends listed whom you know? Check with some of those guys. Use your common sense.
  • Definitely make sure someone knows where you are going. That means giving a trusted buddy the guy’s contact information. (Whenever I invite somebody over here to tie up for the first time, I always send the guy my full name, address and phone number with a note, “feel free to give this information to a trusted friend, so that somebody knows where you are.”)
  • If you don’t have a buddy to act as your “safety,” then get one. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go into detail with your safety buddy about what you are doing or getting into, if you are uncomfortable or embarrassed sharing that information. Your buddy is not going to judge you, and you can return the favor for him next time.
  • You might want to consider meeting the guy in a public place, like at a bar or coffee shop, before going back to his place for the action.
  • Even better, go to a public play space like the New York Bondage Club to play for the first time.
  • If you are tied up at a play party with lots of other guys around and things get out of hand, you can always yell the universal safe word, which is “safe word!”
  • Another thing to consider, if you are going to get tied up by another guy for the first time, is that it is probably better to go to HIS place and not have him over to your place. Is there a doorman or security camera where he lives? That’s a plus for you.

Again, make sure that someone knows where you are going!!!

For more information on how to hook up safely, a really great resource is the New York City Anti Violence Project (AVP) … they have a 24-hour hotline — 212-714-1141 — as well as safety tips and a video available by clicking here.

Questions from readers of this site, answered

Hey Metal,

Big fan of your site! I was just wondering/hoping if you or any of your followers have or know where to find any photos or videos of military guys or cops in chastity? Hope you can help! Love everything on the site, especially the stories, and love Atlanta Stud’s entries in particular.

Thank you again for all your daily efforts.

Have a great day.


Metal responds:

Hey Jon,

I have tons and tons of chastity pictures saved up, but I don’t have many of cops or military men. Perhaps some other readers of this site will see your request and send me some pictures. How about it guys? Any of you in military or law enforcement with caged-up cocks?


Michael writes,

You are yousing coyright protectet Material of us. Pleas remove otherwise we have to give it to our lawer to do the necessary things.



Metal responds,

OK Michael, I have taken down the picture that came from your pay site. It’s not necessary to make threats. I could have done a follow-up posting telling readers where the picture in question came from, linking to your site. I could have added you to my sidebar and links page. But I won’t bother to do those things. You might have gotten some extra sign-ups. Oh well. Best wishes to you, mister.


Dear Metal,

Love your photos sir. I saw the NYPD shirt. Are you on the job?

Metal responds:

I’m not a cop. However I DO have handcuffs and know how to use them.


Dear Metal,

I’m trying to find a story where this guy was once a military officer or corrections officer and he builds a prison on the site of his property. Guys pay him to keep them in bondage. He has this one guy in this really hi tech bondage suit for an extended period of time. Ultimately, he ends up trying a suit which he thinks is just like the one that the other guy was in … come to find out, it is the same suit … and now he’s going to be locked into it by the other guy.

Metal responds,

That was a series of stories from my old site, called Craftsmenship / Craftsmen, by longtime Metalbond contributor Marknorth. Tell you what, I’ll dig that series up and re-post it in the prison library, so you can enjoy it all over again.


Anyone else have any questions for me? If so, you can use the contact form located on the right hand side of the About tab.

gay bondage videos

For those of you who write stories …

Hey guys,

Many of you are kind enough to write stories and send them to me for posting. I am VERY GRATEFUL to you for this! However I do have a simple request … please remember to give your story a title, and be sure to put your author name (your “byline”) at the top.

Without a story title and a byline, I have a difficult time figuring out whom to credit for your story.



19 days in a padded cell

Hey prisoners, who among you remembers this?

Paddeed Cell Inmate Metalbond

Those of you who have been following Metalbond for a long time might recall the infamous “Padded Cell Inmate,” who spent 19 days locked severe bondage in a padded cell. This long-term bondage scene took place in the spring of 2010 and was extensively documented on Metalbond.

Since all of those posts were on my old site, I have decided to re-post all of those blog posts including the comments, and I will feature one new entry each Tuesday night, starting this coming Tuesday, Dec. 25.

Consider it the Christmas present from Metalbond that will keep giving into the new year.

Only the most secure, severe lockdown for all of you sick fuckers.


Hey prisoners,

You might notice a number of updated banner ads in the right-hand column here on Metalbond. In addition, I have been adding a bunch of new links to various other sites, also listed in the right-hand column, and also on the Links page. I hope that you will click through to these other sites and visit them and enjoy them.

(Meanwhile, if you are a webmaster who is linking back to me, please check to make sure you are using my new site address, which is https://metalbondnyc.com and not the old Thumblogger URL, which goes to my old site.)


Hurricane troubles

Hey prisoners,

Thanks to everyone who reached out to me during the hurricane troubles of the past week.

I lost power, heat and hot water on Monday night. Fortunately, two of my friends who live uptown graciously took me in, so I was able to “camp out” with them for the week. As I usually do, I had set up Metalbond to automatically update each day, so there was no disruption here. Yesterday I was able to move back in to my apartment, and things are getting back to normal for me. But I am waaaaay behind in website correspondence, so if you sent me emails or posted comments, please give me some to get back to you.

Of course, my troubles were nothing compared to what many others are dealing with. I’m so very sorry to all Metalbond readers who might have suffered losses, displacement or inconvenience as a result of the recent weather emergency.

