Tag Archives: Mr S

Booted prisoner on a treadmill in leg irons

Booted prisoner with leg irons 02

If you are going to be on a treadmill while wearing heavy leg irons, it is important to make sure that your ankles are properly protected with a nice pair of boots. There are several styles of boots to choose from at Mr S — these are modeled in pictures from a while back of one of Richard Hunter’s prisoners:

Booted prisoner with leg irons 01Booted prisoner with leg irons 03Booted prisoner with leg irons 04

To see more boots, visit Mr S

Iron restraints from Mr S here

More Bondage / BDSM gear from Mr S here

Hooded bondage: Christian Mitchell and Blue Bailey

Check out these shots from Mr S, featuring hot, hunky porn star @ChrisMitchellXX wearing a Fetters Deluxe Tight Hood and getting worked over by @BlueBaileyxxx:

Christian_Mitchell_and_Blue_Bailey_leather_bondage_hood_01 Christian_Mitchell_and_Blue_Bailey_leather_bondage_hood_02 Christian_Mitchell_and_Blue_Bailey_leather_bondage_hood_03 Christian_Mitchell_and_Blue_Bailey_leather_bondage_hood_04 Christian_Mitchell_and_Blue_Bailey_leather_bondage_hood_05

Fucking hot if you ask me!

Click for Deluxe Tight Hood


Hint: If you click through to the product listing above on the Mr S site, you can watch a short video of Christian Mitchell getting fucked by Blue Bailey while wearing this hood and other restraints. It’s not to be missed!

As Christian describes it, the hood fits snug throughout the head, especially around the jaw.

Lots more hoods available here