Tag Archives: Mr S



I am in San Francisco this week, and I am staying with the guys who run the Serious Male Bondage website. Yesterday we visited Kink.com, parent company for Bound Gods. We got to meet and interview Van Darkholme — who is much hotter in real life — and he gave us a rare, behind-the-scenes tour of some of the sets they use for the Bound Gods movies. Van told us about a brand new website he is launching, which I am sure will be a huge hit.

We also visited Mr S, and Richard Hunter gave us a behind-the-scenes tour of not only the store, but also his private playroom. Wait until I tell you about his padded isolation cell!

Tonight we are having dinner with Mikey of the popular Guys Tied Up bondage blog and his partner, Daddy Tony, and Yossie, the world-famous pervert and handcuff collector.

More pictures and information coming soon to Metalbond . . .

Pictures from IML

One of the more impressive displays in the vendor mart at IML — year in and year out — is that of Mr S, and these guys were kind enough to post literally HUNDREDS OF PICTURES from in and around their booth this year. These pictures include the likes of Ruff, Van Darkholme of Bound Gods, Richard Hunter, guys in Carrara chastity belts, and much more.

Here are some of the shots I found especially interesting:

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Click for Mr S

Metalbond answers reader mail

Just been catching up with your site just now … really horny! And I quite agree with you regarding Serious Male Bondage! Cheers,


Yeah, I agree, they sure know how to make the restraint scenarios serious at Serious Male Bondage!



Can’t wait to hear how you get on with the Punisher. I normally am locked in a cb6000 and need it when i get into your site as it is so HOT.

—Via the Internet

Well I am sorry to say I did not fare well in the Punisher. But a friend of mine loves the device.  I do much better with other chastity devices.



Your site never fails to get me rock hard, from the pics to the stories it is always the hottest place on the web, my Irish 8s are waiting for your initiation.

—New York City

Someday, buddy, I’ll lock you in those Irish 8’s — but no complaining if your shoulders start to ache after, say, 8 hours in them!



Your web site is superb. I can only imagine the amount of content, experience, judgment and effort that goes into keeping it going for so long — all with such high quality.

—Arlington, Virginia

Thanks, Arlington, I try!



i’ve always loved your site, Sir. would love to be bound and used by you, Sir. i know my profile says not available, but i can play on the side while i serve this one dom. if i serve others, i’ll probably be locked in chastity while i do. i’m into hard bondage (steel, rubber, leather, anything), humiliation, cbt, ass toys, dog training, ws, just about everything, really…

—New York, NY

Glad to hear you are often locked in chastity, the way it should be for a sub like you!



Fucking hot post on your site about the guy wanting to be locked up — “take my cock out of the equation and turn me into a horny, hungry faggot fuckhole and cocksucker” — Damn. Got me hard and i’m not allowed to do anything about it either!


I have not heard from any of the long-distance chastity guys in a while. But I would very much love to have a fit guy locked in a device with a numbered lock, someone willing to be shown off with regular pictures here on the blog.



I have to tell you I get hard when you write about how your cage is solid, one-piece construction and totally escape-proof since you can’t disassemble it. I just imagine a very massive MasterLock on the outside with one person holding the key keeping me locked in nice and tight. And maybe he’d tease me with the key from behind mirrored sunglasses.

— Washington, DC

I’m glad you like escape-proof lockup, Mister!



I’m fascinated about a chain on the neck and no way to take it off. I had such an experience some years ago, the chain was on my neck for more than 12 months. And after some weeks it feels as a normal part of my body. Must be there. In the last months I play a little in the City Opera with naked torso, so there is no chance for such an experience. But I think my neck should be chained again after my summer holidays. (Going by airplane, so thats not so good to go to the security with a lot of metal).


Yeah, it’s too bad about airport security these days. It sort of puts a crimp into long term chain/padlock wearing.



I meant to tell you that I am currently locked in the CURVE. As i do not have a keyholder at present I send the key to myself 2nd class in mail and make sure that I deposit the envelope with key after last post collection. However, would like to have a real keyholder again and not have a known release date. Best,


That’s the best kind of chastity scenario — where the locked guy has no control over when (or if) he will be released.



I just saw this blog with TENTACLE torture. I used to fantasize about being captured by an octopus, as it had twice the limbs I had and could control me and still maneuver, whereas I was totally lost to it’s unfeeling control as it dragged me deeper. I also used to fantasize about a boa constrictor working its way into my jockstrap and grabbing hold of my junk, then going to work on me, and me having no way to loosen its coils as it slowly but irreversibly squeezed everything in my jockstrap.

—Via the Internet

Dude! I had the same fantasy of the boa constrictor! Hey, you will definitely want to check out the new story by Cicero. He graciously dedicated this story to me.



I agree with you: Mr. Meloni is very talented and HOT! Some nudity doesn’t hurt an actor’s career these days.

—Vancouver, British Columbia

I forgot to mention on this blog that this past winter, the actor Christopher Meloni was on my very block in Manhattan filming an episode of Law and Order — and saw him twice on two different days. He was shorter in real life than I expected, but 10 times as hot.



There is something so basic about being chained up … like manacles with a long chain, fastened to some point. I like metal helmets too, but they can be quite much after while, as they can slowly dig into the flesh … much like heavy metal collars (which are very nice) … I still like being strapped down in a box … or “trapped” in something like a cravat … or other type of rigid metal fetter … I would like to inspire you …

—Washington state

Wow, man, you are speaking my language!



I just read Master Qualification. Brave guy to subject himself to whatever is coming! I really must try and write a new story incorporating all my favourite gear and humiliations! Trouble is, I tend to try and keep it as realistic as possible rather than unrealistic even though I enjoy reading such tales.


I agree, I like stories that are based in reality … but someone definitely has to get restrained. Please definitely send me your stories!



I would love to spend the rest of my life chastised, bound and caged in your cage!

—Tel Aviv, Israel

And I would love to do it to you … if only I could! But someday you will want out for real, and the neighbors will call the cops when they hear you screaming. And then we’ll both be on CNN … and I will end up going to prison!



You know, some of those stories on that studsinstone site are actually pretty hot!


I agree! I’ll continue to share more story sites when I find them.



I was intrigued with your web site so I took a look. And then I read the line: “That means once you hear the ‘click’ of the padlock, you’re done for” and my cock jumped. I think I’m going to like it here.


Hey guy, I am glad you like to hear the click of the padlock — that’s what it’s all about here — getting you restrained so you can’t escape! Fuck yeah!


Dream Boy Bondage

Metalbond locks another dude’s cock in chastity when he’s in a cage

Tonight (Wednesday) I had the opportunity to use a chastity device  on a NEW play buddy, a guy I just met two weekends ago at the Eagle. So … after I chained this dude by the neck into my cage, I ordered him to beat off without any lube:

After he shot his load on the floor of my cage, I told him I he was not getting released until he put on the chastity device. It took him a while to work his cock and balls through, and it took a bit of coaching and coaxing on my part, but eventually he managed to lock up his junk:

I kept him chained by the neck inside the cage as he inserted his balls and cock into the chastity device:

You may notice in these pictures that we used a plastic numbered lock, not the regular brass lock that came with the device itself. This is because my new bondage buddy has travel plans this coming weekend that will involve him going through airport security, and this plastic numbered lock won’t set off the metal detectors:

That’s right, he is heading out of town for the weekend to play with a serious BDSM top. In anticipation of the trip, this Top Man has ordered that my friend refrain from beating off from midnight tonight. So, thanks to the new cock cage and numbered lock — note that it is No. 081072 — we will be able to verify that his cock will be locked up for the next 48 hours at least. Perhaps longer if Top Man keeps him locked after he gets there. Here are some pictures of my bondage buddy before I sent him on his way (unfortunately I had to take the large chain and padlock off his neck):

Richard Hunter says I am a wimp

Hey fellas, I know a lot of you have been wondering whatever happened with my new Punisher cock cage from Mr S. The one I had promised the owner of Mr S, Richard Hunter, that I would wear for 48 hours nonstop:

The Punisher Cock cage

Well I can’t lie to Richard, and I can’t lie to you, the readers of Metalbond. Here’s the truth: I failed miserably. I know, I know, this is a terrible admission to make. Here I am running a blog about all different forms of lockup, including locking devices for men’s penises — and I can’t even handle having my own cock locked away for two days. Sad, but true. The fact is, I simply could not handle the pain associated with wearing the Punisher device.

Here’s the text of the email I sent to Richard explaining the situation:

Hi Richard,

I hate to tell you this but I must be honest with you. I only lasted about 15 minutes in the Punisher. It was the spikes. I could not take that much pain on the head of my cock. I am so sorry — because I had promised you I would stay in it for 48 hours. The spikes actually left little red “nail marks” in the head of my cock for some time — and in fact I am still feeling the “pain memory” from the spikes. This surprises me, because when I felt inside the device with my finger those spikes seemed rather harmless.

I did, however, find the rest of the device very interesting. It was a little tricky to get it on, but I followed your instructions and took my time and it worked just fine. I liked the feel of the silicone material around my cock and balls, and I also liked the way the whole thing locked together. I also liked the way the device looked when I had it on.

Anyway, I feel terrible about this but I just can’t wear it, and I can’t lie to you and say I did.

What I would like to do with the Punisher, if you agree, is to get one of my friends to wear it. He lives here in NYC and he is a huge CBT freak. Will that be OK? He’ll allow me to take pictures while he’s wearing it.

Again, I apologize for being such a wimp with the cock cage,


It only took Richard about 15 minutes to reply:

Dear Metal,

You are a wimp — 15 Minutes — that’s it! — 15 minutes — Of course they left little red dents in your cock head — that’s what they are supposed to do — that’s why we called it the “Punisher”! It won’t break the skin — just annoy the piss out of you — They are harmless — physically.

You should have been tied up for about 6 hours so you couldn’t have taken it off and then you would have HAD to deal with it — maybe a few cries or tears. OK, you certainly can let your friend try it and see how he does with it — At some point though — you should put it back on and maybe have a nice drink or two and cuff your hands behind your back and then connect the new time lock to your cuffs, so you’ll be there for about 2 hours and not be able to take it off. You should be able to at least get 2 hours wearing it — 15 minutes — that’s what you get for probably getting hard while you were wearing it. Bad dog — No biscuit!

How about putting that Punisher back on and then sucking a big old hot cock while you’re wearing it — that will make you rock hard and hurt like hell, which will just make you suck that cock in your mouth all the more, making you even harder — I love it when tears roll down the guy’s eyes while he’s sucking my cock.

I’ll have to send you some more pictures to look at the next time you get that locked on you — 15 minutes — geeezzzz!


So there it is — an email smackdown from Richard Hunter. It’s enough to make me want to hang up my handcuffs in shame. I’m going to try again with a cock cage, however — this time with the Trainer device:

This one is the exact same design as the Punisher, except without the spikes. I just ordered it, and I WILL wear this one. Since it doesn’t have painful spikes I should be all set.

ALL chastity devices currently available from Mr S here

More comments from readers

Here are some more comments from readers of Metalbond:


Nice blog entry, re: pilloried and shaved. I’ve rubbed one out to Double Trouble quite a few times.



I ran across your bondage blog … wonderful stories, great pictures. Thanks for creating and maintaining it! It really is a cool blog! If sometime you want a “victim” to take some pictures of to add to the blog, drop me a line.

—New York City


[I want you to be] in metal of course at all times, handy for electro to your balls, metal is such a good conductor … and so unforgiving; when you shoulders are aching to be released but there is just no slack. You know what they say, bondage isn’t bondage until you want out, and then you may just have to wait…



That boy in the stocks is pretty fucking hot.



Wow … great cage … keep a guy under complete control in there … hooded, gagged, plugged, tits clamped and immobile.

—Washington, D.C.


I read through your blogs yesterday … links and all. BOING … made me Crazierrrrr.



It is great to read that both you and I seem to like the same thing. Inescapably bound, having to endure all that the top of the time inflicts.



When i leave you dress me in clothes you have chosen all modified to be locked on. Through the week i might receive a package of locks and orders to lock them on for you on webcam and to report tomorrow night for caging to get them off. How damn hot is that? That i would never touch my own cock again, maybe when you were mercifully granting me relief you could wear a glove so i would never have human contact on it :)


gay bondage sites