Tag Archives: padlocks

Self-bondage game with a large padlock and key in the mail

Hey guy’s it’s Friday night and check out what MarkNorth just did!



Marknorth writes:

Dear Metal:

I put my fate into the hands of the US Post Office tonight!

I have some work that I need to get done away from the office (plenty for Friday and Monday), so I did the deed and dropped the key in the mail to myself and snapped a lock and chain on tonight.

I dropped the key in after the last pick-up time today, so it will not go out until tomorrow evening. If all goes well, the key will be back in my box Monday – but I won’t be able to “sneak in” and get it until early evening, to avoid the possibility of being seen with this ridiculously large and heavy chain on my neck!

I’m attaching a set of pics for your amusement.

This will be the first time I have done something like this on my own, where the key is completely out of my possession. Even in extended self-bondage scenes the key has always been in my house, even if inaccessible for periods of time! Now it’s totally out of reach.

Well, we’ll see how this goes – I was nervous, but hard as hell, as I released the envelope into the mailbox on my way home from work tonight!


At least (hopefully most) 4 days’ worth of this thing around my neck …


02_Envelope-Ready 03_Key-Dropped-In 04-Drop-in-the-mail 05_Locked-On-2

Long-distance 48-hour lockup

MarklnorthLong-distance 48-hour lockup

An illustrated adventure by Marknorth

A blogger buddy and I have been emailing for a long time (and a few phone calls) – and we discussed the idea of some long-distance lock-ups and were finally able to make it happen. About a week and a half ago he mailed me a box that I was not to open until he told me to.  The plan was to hook up on live video (yahoo messenger) and take it from there.

We set last Friday as the date and he sent me an email beforehand telling me that he wanted me in my orange prisoner uniform, black boots, leather ankle cuffs (locked on and with a short chain locked between them) when I logged on.  At that time I would open the box and see where it went from there.

As I was getting ready, I was excited and nervous – I had no idea what was in the box – it wasn’t very big, but it was heavy.  I was thinking some heavy handcuffs or something.

When we logged in, it was a one way video chat.  I could hear him, but not see him (on purpose – he wanted me to be under surveillance, not being able to see my captor).

He made me show him that I was dressed as directed and that the ankle cuffs were locked on.  Once he was satisfied, he told me to open the box – I had to do it so he could see that it had not already been opened.

It was a heavy, short chain and a large brass combination lock (4 digits).  He ordered me to place the chain around my neck and set the links so that it was tight (no way to pull it up over my head) – then he ordered me to close the lock.  I did it immediately – really without thinking – and I was fucked.  It was a heavy chain and lock – would have been a bitch to cut off.  And I just locked it on myself without the combination – by a guy that I really didn’t know and who was a thousand miles away!

I was locked up in the chain at about 8:30 pm on Friday.

He gave me a set of tasks that I had to complete to earn the digits to the combination.  Each successful task would earn one digit.  I needed to be free by the end of Sunday so I was really worried that I wouldn’t get them done – or that he would fuck me over and not give me the combo.

At first I thought it wouldn’t be that bad – but I was wrong.  I thought that I would be able to just unlock the chain between the ankle cuffs – but he had thought of that.  Randomly throughout the entire weekend he did “cell checks.”  I received an email from him with orders to write something on a piece of paper, take a pic showing the ankle restraints and chain, and email it to him within 10 minutes.  Sounds like a lot of time, but it isn’t – especially if you don’t catch the email right away.  I was basically chained to my computer the whole weekend.  If I didn’t get the pic to him in time – additional time would be added to the collar being locked-on or I was given some other punishment.

MarklnorthMarklnorthThe damn chain was really heavy and started to make my neck sore early Saturday.  By Sunday morning it really was starting to hurt.  I was scared by late Saturday that he had some worse crap in mind, so I offered to accept something more restrictive so that I would ensure that he would give me the combo on Sunday night.  Of course he took me up on that – and added locking wrist restraints, locked to the collar chain by another short chain.  The added weight and movement of my arms made the collar even worse.

MarklnorthMarklnorthBy noon on Sunday I had earned the combination – although I wasn’t going to get it emailed until later – which I already knew.  He gave me reprieve from the rest of the restraints at 2:00 – the collar still locked on.  BUT the final set of instructions came regarding the release.

I had to go out in public and take my picture – with the collar and padlock visible – at a landmark in town.  It is a small town – so I was scared shitless that I would be seen.  I did it in front of the post office sign, but had to scramble back in my truck twice as people stopped to get their mail (the PO boxes are accessible 24/7).


Finally I got the pics to him and he was satisfied.  I got the combination at the 48-hour point and was able to remove the damn collar.  My neck was sore for several days – but my dick is still hard.

What a ride!  I can’t believe that I did that to myself – I was truly imprisoned in my house and to the computer.  It was, however, exhilarating.

Metal would like to thank Marknorth for sharing this latest adventure!

Clips vs locks

OK fuckers, listen up. This is important. Really important. In fact, I think this might be the most important blog posting I have ever put up here on Metalbond. I mean it. It has to do with the use of clips versus locks. Here’s the problem I am having: There are far too many men out there doing ineffective bondage with stupid, worthless CLIPS that can be un-clipped by the prisoner whenever he wants, rather than using LOCKS that cannot be undone without a key.

Bondage with clips makes no sense whatsoever. It’s like driving to the mall on a busy Saturday afternoon and locking your car doors, but leaving all your windows rolled down. What’s the point?

Take the picture below, for example:


Yeah, the guy is smoking hot and he looks great with his hands behind his back. But look a bit more closely at the way he is restrained. All he has to do is use his hands to unclip the clips, and he is free. What fun is that? This is not real physical restraint. It is play-acting!

Here are more examples of hot men who are “restrained” with inadequate, non-secure clips:

The men in the pictures above were restrained by lazy tops who don’t know what the fuck they are doing, or who don’t care. Is this any way to treat a prisoner? No. Fuck no. If they had been bound with PADLOCKS rather than clips, these would be some very hot predicaments, indeed!

Are you catching my drift here?

Another thing to keep in mind, is that if you do use locks, you also have to know HOW to use them. Some guys use their padlocks ineffectively, because either the restraints themselves are not locked on, or the restraints are locked on but then they are secured with clips. Remember that if you are using leather restraints, those have to LOCK ON, as well! Take these pictures, for example:

Clips vs locksClips vs locksEven though padlocks ARE used in the scenarios shown above, all the guys in these pictures have to do is either unbuckle the leather restraints or unhook the clips and they are free! That is because there are not locks on both the restraints AND whatever is securing them. Again, this is an ineffective, unacceptable way to restrain a prisoner!

Then there is THIS heinous misuse of a padlock:


What the fuck does this padlock do? Absolutely nothing! It is not keeping the collar on, nor is it locked TO anything. Like tits on a bull, this padlock is just sitting there, being useless. What a waste of a good padlock!

From now on, everyone needs to start using real, locking PADLOCKS to secure the restraints and then lock them TO something. No more clips, only padlocks.

If you don’t HAVE padlocks, that is no excuse. Go to Home Depot, for chrissakes, where you can buy dozens of different kinds of locks, in all different sizes, shapes, colors and configurations. You can get multiple locks that all open with the same key. You can even get combination locks that all open with the same combination, or you can get combination locks that you can set your own combination into, and use over and over again.


Then once you are properly equipped you can do REAL BONDAGE, like THIS:

Clips vs locksClips vs locks

Notice how the restraints keeping these men captive are properly locked on, so the restraints can in turn be properly locked TO something. These men will not be able to get out of their predicaments on their own. They are true prisoners, locked and secure — the way it should be!

Clips vs locksClips vs locksI hope I have made myself clear. Any questions?

Email from an anonymous blog reader about a neck chain and padlock

A blog reader who wishes to remain anonymous sent the following email to me:


Dear Metal,

when i was in design school, we had this shop and a faculty member ran it that was all about big tools and cutting things – whatever.  so i met this master online and i was young and thinking i was going to be his slave for life and so when i finally met him he did offer to put his collar on me and i accepted thinking it would change my life and I’d be his forever.  so i had this huge chain on my neck with a padlock.  he left then when the weekend was over and he lived out-of-state from me and i forget when we were going to meet again (plan was for me to move to him after school, hahaha in like years). anyways, my life didn’t fill with sparks with the collar on and i figured it actually wasn’t what i wanted.  so i did tell him and he did say he was going to mail me the key.  anyways, like 2 weeks went by and i just got scared and no key came and so i actually went to the wood shop and told the faculty guy that i “lost” the key and would he please find some way to get that thing off of me. hahahhahahahaha.

his grin was so huge.  he was the cheshire cat in alice in wonderland.  he didn’t say much.  he just grinned.  damn, i should have checked his pants for tentage but i wasn’t thinking like that at the time but now that i think of it, he was so enjoying me chained up.  but he yelled for his student assistant to hold the chain away from my neck while he grabbed this massive chain cutter and snapped my chain off like an icicle. hahahahhahahahahahhaa.

it was funny.  i just said thank you so much and went on my freedom way. hahahahahhahaha.

the key showed up like a week later.


Thanks, anonymous blog reader, for sharing this story!

Metalbond locks another dude’s cock in chastity when he’s in a cage

Tonight (Wednesday) I had the opportunity to use a chastity device  on a NEW play buddy, a guy I just met two weekends ago at the Eagle. So … after I chained this dude by the neck into my cage, I ordered him to beat off without any lube:

After he shot his load on the floor of my cage, I told him I he was not getting released until he put on the chastity device. It took him a while to work his cock and balls through, and it took a bit of coaching and coaxing on my part, but eventually he managed to lock up his junk:

I kept him chained by the neck inside the cage as he inserted his balls and cock into the chastity device:

You may notice in these pictures that we used a plastic numbered lock, not the regular brass lock that came with the device itself. This is because my new bondage buddy has travel plans this coming weekend that will involve him going through airport security, and this plastic numbered lock won’t set off the metal detectors:

That’s right, he is heading out of town for the weekend to play with a serious BDSM top. In anticipation of the trip, this Top Man has ordered that my friend refrain from beating off from midnight tonight. So, thanks to the new cock cage and numbered lock — note that it is No. 081072 — we will be able to verify that his cock will be locked up for the next 48 hours at least. Perhaps longer if Top Man keeps him locked after he gets there. Here are some pictures of my bondage buddy before I sent him on his way (unfortunately I had to take the large chain and padlock off his neck):