Tag Archives: peril play

The erotic male bondage artwork of Joe T

Here are a few works by Joe T. — used here with the permission of the artist:

erotic male bondage artwork of Joe T

What I like about this artist’s work is his depiction of hyper-masculine men engaging in totally inescapable bondage. Some of his works involve peril play, others humiliation. When looking at these pictures I fantasize about how the captives got into the predicaments they are in. At the same time, I am fascinated by the sadistic glee shown by their captors!

gay bonage art Joe T.

You can read more about Joe T. on the Mitchmen site by clicking here.

Joe T. male BDSM artwork

Metal would like to thank Joe T. for allowing me to share these images! Watch for additional postings featuring artwork by Joe T. in the coming weeks and months.

Joe T. bondage artwork

The Bloody Ransom

Here’s another vintage shoot from the Bound Gods vault. In The Bloody Ransom, Tyler Saint ties up and fucks Shane Frost in the slaughterhouse:


When Shane Frost begs Tyler Saint for his freedom, he insists that his parents will pay a lot of money for him. Tyler gets angry. It’s not about the money because he has a passion for meat, not just any meat but fresh meat. Tyler tenderizes the stud’s muscular body with the flogger and licks his big fat cock. This sends Tyler into a deep high for more abuse. He strings Shane upside down in the slaughterhouse like a side of beef and pries Shane’s lips open with his huge cock. He adds weighted clamps to Shane’s nipples for further enjoyment. After more abuse with the bamboo cane, Tyler fucks the bound boy and cums all over his gagged mouth.

01_8855_p_10 02_8855_p_11 8855_p_15 8855_p_20 8855_p_21

This is from the archives of Bound Gods – video HERE

MORE Bound Gods shoots here

30 Minutes of Torment here

For the KinkMen Bondage Archive, click here

gay bondage videos

Hero in distress

If you like illustrated stories, artwork and comics under the theme of “hero in distress,” you will want to check out the Aquadude Bunker site, which features lots of artwork created by artists like Amalaric. The new site is fantastic for those who like to see muscle guys getting tied up and tortured!

Artwork by Amalaric

Click for Aquadude Bunker

Aqudude Bunker Amalric Chained Muscle

Metal would like to thank to Jeb Nicholls for passing along a link to this site!

The Pit and the Pendulum

By Edgar Allan Poe

Impia tortorum longos hic turba furors

Sanguinis innocui, non satiata, aluit.

Sospite nunc patria, fracto nunc funeris antro,

Mors ubi dira fuit vita salusque patent.

[Quatrain composed for the gates of a market to be erected upon the site of the Jacobin Club House at Paris.]

I WAS sick — sick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me. The sentence — the dread sentence of death — was the last of distinct accentuation which reached my ears. After that, the sound of the inquisitorial voices seemed merged in one dreamy indeterminate hum. It conveyed to my soul the idea of revolution — perhaps from its association in fancy with the burr of a mill wheel. This only for a brief period; for presently I heard no more. Yet, for a while, I saw; but with how terrible an exaggeration! I saw the lips of the black-robed judges. They appeared to me white — whiter than the sheet upon which I trace these words — and thin even to grotesqueness; thin with the intensity of their expression of firmness — of immoveable resolution — of stern contempt of human torture. I saw that the decrees of what to me was Fate, were still issuing from those lips. I saw them writhe with a deadly locution. I saw them fashion the syllables of my name; and I shuddered because no sound succeeded. I saw, too, for a few moments of delirious horror, the soft and nearly imperceptible waving of the sable draperies which enwrapped the walls of the apartment. And then my vision fell upon the seven tall candles upon the table. At first they wore the aspect of charity, and seemed white and slender angels who would save me; but then, all at once, there came a most deadly nausea over my spirit, and I felt every fibre in my frame thrill as if I had touched the wire of a galvanic battery, while the angel forms became meaningless spectres, with heads of flame, and I saw that from them there would be no help. And then there stole into my fancy, like a rich musical note, the thought of what sweet rest there must be in the grave. The thought came gently and stealthily, and it seemed long before it attained full appreciation; but just as my spirit came at length properly to feel and entertain it, the figures of the judges vanished, as if magically, from before me; the tall candles sank into nothingness; their flames went out utterly; the blackness of darkness supervened; all sensations appeared swallowed up in a mad rushing descent as of the soul into Hades. Then silence, and stillness, night were the universe.

Continue reading The Pit and the Pendulum

Suit Test – Part 1

By Rubrpig

Charles and Frank both groaned as the alarm went off. They smiled sleepily at each other and then decided it was time to get up, as they had to get ready for work as usual. They had to be careful, as it would have cost them their careers and security clearances if they were discovered to be homosexual. Things were changing very slowly, but in 1971 it was still almost impossible to be gay and employed in any defence industry.

Charles was a senior engineer at ILC Dover, and Frank was a junior engineer there as well. The division they both worked for was involved in the Apollo Lunar program, as ILC Dover was the company that built and maintained the custom made Lunar Space suits. They both worked closed with the astronauts, as they were responsible for the fit and integrity of the space suits. Each astronaut in the Apollo program was fitted and supplied with two suits. One for training, which received a lot of wear and tear during the training for the mission, and their flight suit, which was only used for their actual mission.

They had been working together for about a year and one night after work, they ended up going for a beer. During the course of the evening after a few too many beers for both of them, they ended up realizing that they were attracted to each other. Like a pair of high school kids, they ended up in the back seat of Charles’ Chevy Impala making out.

Continue reading Suit Test – Part 1

A Metalbond reader wants to be tied under a pendulum

As in Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Pit and the Pendulum’

Does anyone else fantasize about this?

Bondagecaptive from Recon does — big time. He wants to know if someone would be willing to actually build such a contraption. Holy fuck!

“What I’d like to get across is basically a plan on how to construct the pendulum,” bondagecaptive writes. “How to make it swing and lower by itself, either by a power source or its own motion. I’d like it to lower as little as possible to prolong the experience, and be able to use it by myself. Also what kind of parts I would need and how to connect them. I’d like to use the least expensive parts available and have some kind of plan as to how to put it all together. Also, this is just for roleplay fantasy, no actual razor-sharp edge on the blade. Not into being hurt. All I’m looking for is someone with knowledge of the mechanics of how to do it. Am willing to take any ideas.”

You can check out this guy’s profile on Recon (bondagecaptive) to learn more.


Here are some pictures of the pendulum:

MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_03 MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_04

frank_pendulum[1] (2) MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_05 MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_06


Also you can see a video clip here.

And listen to a complete reading of the Poe classic here.