I woke up struggling against this neoprene sack throughout the night and into the next morning. My mouth was caked with piss, cum and saliva. The hood felt hot and the complete blackness grew frustrating. The collar make my neck stiff and sore. I had no idea what time it was. My arms were tight against my sides. I was thirsty and aching and had to pee. My dick was still locked in the chastity pod, fighting futilely against its spikes.
Someone came to release me, informed me it was already after noon. He removed the gag from my mouth, but reminded me the hood was staying on until Sunday. He removed the pod from my dick. After fighting erections in this thing all night, now that my dick was finally free it was too exhausted to get hard.
I drank some water and used the bathroom. I wondered what my dick looked like after getting impaled by the little spikes. I stretched and tried to orient myself despite the lack of vision, and considered what Tyler and Keith might have in store for me for the remainder of my captivity. I was led into the shower and washed down thoroughly. Then I was brought down to the kitchen and fed some eggs. I used my hands as I could not find my mouth with a fork.
I was slowly coming back to life, sitting in this kitchen naked except for a hood and trying to eat. My mind wandered back to the previous night, a wild an unexpected and totally hot night, and my dick sprang up as if suddenly realizing it was finally free to do so.
“That’s awesome,” I heard Tyler. “Just sitting here eating your fucking eggs turns you on.” I just smiled, remembering his ban on speaking. After some silence he said, “It’s ok, you can speak now. Are you doing ok?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Seriously, that wasn’t too intense?”
Continue reading Lent Out – Part 3 →