Tag Archives: piss

Now available in English: ‘Top Down: The Pisbak Files Part 1’

Originally published in Dutch, stein subman’s book “Top Down: The Pisbak Files Part 1” is now available in English. It’s illustrated by steelcollar NL. In this moving story, Keon meets Simon, a leather Master who slowly takes control of his new slave’s life in ways that are unexpected and quite serious. A whole new life begins for Koen, who must get to know himself all over again.

It’s a highly recommended book!

Top Down: The Pisbak Files Part 1


Click for Top Down: The Pisbak Files Part 1

It’s available as a paperback as well as on Kindle

Dutch version is available here

The author goes by NLleatherman on Twitter

10 Days in Detention – Part 28

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I was half asleep most of the time in the pit.   Even though it was dark it wasn’t completely black out conditions and my eyes adjusted to some vision after a while. Matt was still lying next to me with our shoulders touching. The sweat was pouring off of us with the pit becoming hotter as the day progressed. Our chests were slick with sweat and the camo pants we were wearing became damp from the sweat. It was impossible to wipe the droplets from our faces with our hands cuffed behind our backs. Every now and again a bead of sweat would end up in my eye and the stinging sensation would catch my attention.

Matt and I didn’t talk much to each other after our initial conversation when first placed in the pit. Every now and again we would smile to one another, put a head on the other’s shoulder or share a kiss. They were simple gestures of encouragement that didn’t take much energy.

I knew I was starting to get dehydrated in the heat and I could tell Matt was getting to that point, too. Neither of us had even had to take a piss the entire time we were in the pit which I guessed was dragging on to late morning or noon time.

We both sort of sat up when we heard sounds outside the steel door above us. My shoulders were aching and on fire from having the wrists cuffed behind my back without any relief for so long.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 28

Forced toilet bowl licking at Bound Gods

Here’s another gay bondage video from Bound Gods. Trenton Ducati looks over his new, ungrateful plaything writhing on the floor, completely wrapped in thick black plastic. This little fucker tried to get away from his clutches! He decides to unwrap his present, revealing a terrified Wesley Woods, bound at his wrists and ankles. Trenton expects absolute obedience from Wesley, fucking his face and pulling his balls to the sky as an illustration.

Click any of these pics to go directly to the video:

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Of course, Trenton is a humane tormentor, so he drags a chain-leashed Wesley to a disgusting toilet for a toilet break. Trembling as he urinates, Wesley wets the edge of the toilet bowl. Trenton punishes the captive stud with a hornet’s nest of hits from the crop. He bends Wesley over the bowl and makes Wesley use his tongue to clean up the mess. Wesley submits to the humiliation and learns to appreciate his master’s discipline as Trenton rains down flog after flog. Wesley goes face-down, ass-up for Trenton’s massive cock and a takes a gallon of cum all over his face. He’ll never try to run away again.

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See this video here

Models in this shoot: Trenton Ducati, Wesley Woods

Bound Gods here

Subscribe to KinkMen here

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The adventures of Athleticpisspig

This is an eye-opening documentary that explores a long-practiced erotic fetish from the point of view of a gay millennial who expresses it as performance art — Athleticpisspig. Is it mere pornography or groundbreaking art worthy of consideration and criticism? The film poses many questions that viewers must answer for themselves. With the participation of Axel Abysse.

male piss The adventures of Athleticpisspig


See the video here

Site: Axel Abysse

Title: Piss Off X

Directed by Henry Baker

video The adventures of Athleticpisspig

A cocky businessman gets chained to the urinals


This is from Bound Gods. Rikk York is some hotshot prick with a million-dollar deal on the line, so he’s gotta make the next flight. Boarding started fifteen minutes ago; he doesn’t care about some dumb janitor saying the bathroom’s closed. Big mistake. Jessie Colter, the janitor on duty, busts through the stall and chains the smug jackass to the urinals.

Click any of the pictures to go directly to the video:

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Jessie gets a taste of Rikk’s huge cock before returning the favor, stuffing Rikk’s face full of dick. Jessie commands Rikk to crawl through mousetraps and present his ass. Rikk’s asshole gets filled with an electric buttplug, sending painful shocks through his whole body. Jessie hogties Rikk’s body over a sawhorse and fits clothespins between each of Rikk’s toes before plowing his ass with a fucksaw. With Rikk’s hole readied by the fucksaw, Jessie goes deep and hard into Rikk. Jessie covers Rikk’s ass in hot cum and smears the load onto his face. Rikk gets edged multiple times before Jessie milks a load from the stud and punishes his senstive cock. As he struggles against his ropes, Jessie leaves Rikk for security to handle.

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Title of this vid: Rude Businessman’s Airport Bathroom Nightmare

Models in this video: Jessie Colter, Rikk York

Bound Gods here

Subscribe to KinkMen here

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Top Down: De pisbak files deel 1

Eerste erotische SM boek by stein subman

Top Down: De pisbak files deel 1

Als Koen de kans krijgt om in het huis van zijn overleden moeder te gaan wonen is dat voor hem ook het moment om te breken met zijn partner, na een aantal minder gelukkige jaren. Koens vrienden helpen hem om zijn leven op orde te brengen en zijn nieuwe huis in te richten. Een van die vrienden heeft een wel heel speciale belangstelling voor Koen. Doortastend laat Simon hem merken dat hij niet de dominante man is die hij dacht te zijn. Soms vriendelijk, soms dwingend neemt Simon de controle over het leven van zijn nieuwe slaaf in handen. Een heel nieuw leven begint, waarin Koen zichzelf opnieuw moet leren kennen. Het acceptatieproces waar hij doorheen moet, het zichzelf aanvaarden als slaaf, masochist en liefhebber van seksuele praktijken die bepaald niet alledaags zijn, het wordt allemaal beschreven in het eerste deel van deze serie.

Deze erotische SM-roman is nu alleen in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar via Amazon. Klik hier.

Volg de auteur op Twitter door hier te klikken

Handcuffed and pissed on

Stripped of his clothes with his hands cuffed together, Oliver must kneel and await orders. He looks like a urinal! And that smooth perfect arse of his needs a good lashing. He may pretend to be a tough macho thug, but he’s really a cocksucker because it only takes a few smacks with a leather flogger to make him submit. Soon enough he’s pleading to suck cock and drink piss!

gay bondage pleading to suck cock and drink piss


See the VIDEO at BreederFuckers

handcuffed men gay porn