Tag Archives: Serious Male Bondage

Oh fuck! If he struggles, the straps automatically tighten!

Check this out from SeriousMaleBondage.com:


Computers and advanced image recognition systems provide continuous monitoring and evaluation of patients during their bondage therapy. If the patient struggles, the system will automatically tighten the straps! Seriously though — guys like to see themselves in bondage. In this scene they rigged up a video monitoring system so the subject can see himself, and they can monitor the same video feed in the other room.


Check out the video coming soon on SeriousMaleBondage.com.

male bondage videos

Layers of latex encasement, followed by confinement

Here’s yet another one from Serious Male Bondage, this one from their vault:


Bruen paid a visit to Serious Male Bondage. Bruen brought his own full latex catsuit and heavy latex sleepsack. And Ed added a full inflatable latex bag with attached gasmask. Adding to the excitement was a padded, latex-lined casket — liftoff!

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There are more pictures — and video — posted at Serious Male Bondage.
