Tag Archives: Serious Male Bondage

Metalbond A to Z: Mister-X / Spartan

Another great friend and contributor to the Metalbond site is Mister-X / Spartan!

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He is one sick, twisted fuck — and he is often a featured bondage model over at Serious Male Bondage. He’s also author of many fantastic stories, which can be found right here on this site, in the Metalbond Prison Library.


To see many featured content from Mister-X / Spartan, click here.

To read his stories in the Metalbond Prison Library, click here.

Thanks for keeping it hot, Mister-X / Spartan!

Undercover – Chapter 5

By lthr_jock

Jim kept his head down and moved along the road as fast as possible, eyes fixed on the pavement, only glancing up to try to see a street sign and to avoid walking into people. Even so, he attracted attention very quickly as people noticed the collar and wristbands standing out starkly against his skin. Worse, his cock was being kept solid down his right leg by the cock-ring was a noticeable bulge in the bleachers and he heard several shocked comments.

After what seemed like an age, he got to the end of the road to where he could see a street-sign. Ignoring the road name, he looked quickly at the post-code on the sign — NE9 — bloody hell, he was miles from home. He shoved his hands into his pockets and found nothing inside. Without money he couldn’t even get a tube, bus or taxi. Jim shivered at the predicament he was in, chose a roughly south westerly direction and kept walking.

Continue reading Undercover – Chapter 5