Tag Archives: Strip Search Hell

His naked body is strip searched by uniformed guards

At StripSearchHell, it’s comical that he still thinks that obeying the rules is beneath him. He’s been in clink for 2 weeks, and this muscular hairy fuck hasn’t realised that it doesn’t matter what he thinks. It doesn’t matter that he was once the big man. In here, he is a little bitch that got caught and now his body is the plaything of the guards. I bet he thinks they are too stupid to even look at him naked, much less touch his ass. Maybe he’s right, but that’s the rub when you’re thrown in jail, big man!

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Busman’s Holiday – Part 15

By lthr_jock

Vickers was ticked off. No, scratch that, Vickers was angry. Angry at Clark, angry at Carl and Greg – but most of all, angry at himself. It started from the moment at the party when he realised that the hunky man secured in the straitjacket and muzzle was actually Clark. He had dreamed of getting Clark in that kind of position, but had been moving things forward slowly, carefully. But Greg and Carl had got Clark into the gear within just a few hours. Vickers had enjoyed getting Carl restrained inside the vac rack, but all that day his attention kept getting drawn across the aisle to Clark. The sight of his body in the tight leather harness with his arms locked behind him distracted him, aroused him – and made him jealous as hell.

After the conference, Vickers continued talking to Clark by email and text and monitoring Clark’s workouts. It was clear the man was still working hard at the gym, though his measurements had stabilised and he seemed to be improving definition rather than just putting on bulk. Vickers had several thoughts about where to go next, but whenever he broached ideas with Clark, Clark seemed distracted and gave brusque off-hand replies. Vickers also noted that he was curious about Greg and Carl and the conversation often returned to them.

The last straw came when Greg and Carl invited him to their latest open house to display their latest creations. Their venue was in an abandoned warehouse, and the main showroom was circular and high-ceilinged. High on the walls were video screens, and on this occasion they were showing slideshows of men wearing various items of leather wear. Vickers grabbed a drink and wandered around. As usual, their gear was high quality and piqued his interest – but tonight his attention kept getting drawn back to the video screens. Despite the fact that the leather being worn kept changing, the model looked the same. The photos never showed his face, but as he looked on Vickers realised that they were all photos of Clark. This was confirmed by the last set where he was wearing a leather version of his guard uniform. Vickers felt his cock swell and gulped down his drink as his jealousy spiked.

Continue reading Busman’s Holiday – Part 15

The Convict – Part 10

By Joshua Ryan


As I said before, I’d seen prison vans on the road. Maybe some of them were on their way to the Durant Unit.   I didn’t know. I was never really interested. I remember that when I saw them I wanted to look inside, but I couldn’t see in past the bars. All I could see was some shadowy things that looked like ghosts. Ghosts of men. Former men. I’d never thought about it that way, but that’s the way it had looked. You see a lot more than you realize.

Now I was inside the van, and the people on the street were seeing me go by. Some of them stared, and some of them glanced and looked away, like they were ashamed that they’d looked in the first place. Women in tapered suits, with little purses. Young guys in bright neckties, just getting off work. A gang of teenagers with their caps turned around, jumping on and off their skateboards, waiting for the light to change. “Dude!” one of them yelled, pointing at the van. “There’s a jailbird in there!” They all craned their necks and tried to see through the bars. They were starting to jump off the curb to get a better look, but Andre gestured at them to stay where they were, and they obeyed the man in uniform. The light changed, and the van moved on. I wondered if those kids would remember me, if they ever found themselves inside a bus that was headed for prison.

Continue reading The Convict – Part 10

Fourth-Quarter Tickle Blitz

By Jack

Yo, Bud –

Got a little challenge here for ya.

Time to see how tough you are, and what yer endurance is like.

You man enough to accept the challenge, or you gonna wimp out right now?

It’s just a little game, dude. You like engaging another jock in a little friendly sport, don’t ya? May the better MAN win.

Here’s the deal:

You are down here on a Friday night. We got tickets for Rangers/Leafs at the Garden on Saturday night. We been drinking beers, horsing around, bullshitting one another, when I toss out this game idea. You lose, you gotta wear… you know which jersey to the game and root for…you know which team (GO, RANGERS! YO!)

Here’s the game plan: You get tied for four quarters, with a break between each quarter. Simple little endurance challenge. Each quarter lasts an hour. No sweat for you, right, tuff guy? You hold out for four hours, you win. You win, and I got to pay a penalty. Any penalty you come up with, no matter what it is. No questions, no backing out.

Continue reading Fourth-Quarter Tickle Blitz

The Pit: A Story by CREUSS


stories by CREUSSWhere am I?

What happened?

I have no idea…

I open my eyes, but it only comes to total darkness.

I try to remember what happened before…

I can’t…

Later, may be hours later, some tiny bits come back to my mind.

I am a soldier. I ‘ve been serving for 5 years now…

We were on a night leave, having some fun in a café, drinking much…

There was a battle in the café, and we fought against civilians.

Suddenly, I remember I fell on the table, probably hit and drunk.

Then, nothing…

I try to explore how I am, as I can’t see at all.

I am naked, totally naked…

My hands are shackled, I can feel heavy metal rings at my wrists. They are chained to the wall, but leave me some movement. My legs are bound too, with metal rings too, and chains. So is my neck…

I am bound to this wall, so I can’t move that much, just enough to be slightly more comfortable, if comfort is existing here…

Continue reading The Pit: A Story by CREUSS