All posts by Metal

Metalbond Mail

Hey guys check out the message I got from a reader of this site and my response:


Dear Metal,

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your website. It’s always a good, hot read! The redesign looks great and thanks for all the work you put into it for the greater good. I just spent 5 hours reading stories that have had me horny the entire read! Keep up the awesome work!




Dear Donal,

I am really glad that you were lured into my trap — reading the stories for hours and hours. That’s the way I designed the site, to keep guys like you “chained” to your computer screen.

Heh, heh, heh



And for all of you story readers out there, good news! As promised, I just added a brand new “Locker Room Tales” installment by Marknorth. You can find it in the Prison Library, under Marknorth’s sub-tab and also under Newest Stories.

Enjoy! And be sure to leave feedback!

gay bondage sites

Reader submission — locking device for testicle bondage

Check out the pictures and information below from a blog reader:

Hey Metal, hows life?locking device for testicle bondage

I just got back from a week out field, my uniform I wore out there would keep even the most gunge-loving piglet happy! Three more washes and I should be able to wear it again.

Anyway my most recent purchase is something I think you would enjoy a lot, hence this email. I know how much you adore padlocks, and locking metal restraints. Well one of my most favorite pieces of kit is my locking ball weights, you know the metal ones that you need an allen key to take on and off? I call them locking since an allen key is not something you always have access to.

locking device for testicle bondage 02Fetters in UK bought out a range with a recessed groove in them, and then a variety of attachments for them. I have two of the attachments so far and aim to get the third, well-marketed (i.e., you want it but it will cost you!) the latest one I brought adds an extra layer of entrapment to the device, it is a locking collar that fits around the groove, I have a pic of it attached and in use on my nuts, let me tell you that thing is on tight, you have no chance of slipping it off over the weight unless it is unlocked.

I hope you enjoy these pics and that you’re doing well!

— anonymous

Thanks, anonymous, for the information and pictures!

Power Exchange — a true story by bndgkink

Power Exchange — a true story by bndgkink

Power Exchange

A true story by bndgkink

Maybe it is time to post something about myself and my sexual history, in case someone might be interested.

i was a fairly arrogant top for many years.

i am now embarrassed by my way of being so.

i was very amateurish.

i was well to do at the time and buff.

i had a large home with a well stocked dungeon.

i had a herd of young boys as slaves

i had one though that was different.

i had basically groomed him from a street urchin .

he was twenty-four when i met him

he wasn’t strong and buff

he had a raspy voice due to child hood surgeries.

his chest was a mass of scars

he drove a beat up old car.

he lived in a dump of an apartment.

he went back to school

he went to college

and on to grad school.

he really didn’t go into his desires etc

he was the first slave that i wanted as 24/7

he was the only one i ever wanted 24/7

he was a quick learner.

he was smart

he was the perfect sex slave

he knew what to do and when to do it.


he would not move in or agree to 24/7

he would be graduating in the late spring.

he was the one i had been looking for

he was everything i wanted

he was incredible

he was indespensable.

he was my biggest frustration.

he seemed to be measuring me one night with his fingers.

he said he was figuring out what size to get for my Xmas present

he was so cute about it that i told him to measure away.

he was very upset at Xmas because my present didn’t arrive yet

he wasn’t consoled that i wasn’t upset

he smiled when i told him a great blow job would do.

He showed up on a rainy Valentine’s Day.

He had a present and card for me.

He had measured me for a “bill jones” chastity belt.

He politely corrected me when i thought it was for him.

He didn’t flinch when i became angry that it was for me

He only commented that


if i could wear it for a month and remain dominant in every other way he would agree to be a 24/7 slave no questions asked.

but if i did not, He had the keys.


i knew he couldn’t go 24 hours with out sucking me off

i knew he would need me out in a day or two

i lasted less than a fraction of a second after the second lock clicked shut.

i watched and felt the instantaneous exchange of power in total horror.

i grabbed something to cover my embarrassment and shame (crotch)

i realized it covered nothing important any more.

i looked at Him in terror.

He half smiled and said he would come by in the morning to check on me.

He then just turned and left.

i for once was without words.

i just stood there in horror for the longest time.

i then fussed with it trying without success to get it off.

i was on my knees begging him for it to come off the following night.

i sucked him off for the first time hoping for a release

i remained locked, “anyway,” for the next three years

i was always secured down when it was removed for cleaning.

i only experienced orgasms through prostate massage

i never experienced an orgasm stroking like a real man.

i was cleaned and milked at least once a week.

He never moved in but had complete run of my house.

i spent weekends locked in “my” cage in “my” dungeon

i spent summer weekends chained to a tree in “my” back yard naked

except for the belt.

i lost the ability to become erect after a few months.

i would moan and groan when being milked but cum only oozed out.

i would be secured and then milked for amusement of His friends.

i felt the humiliation of former slaves seeing me caged or milked.

i felt the humiliation of former slaves laughing as i only moaned

and oozed cum.

i felt the humiliation of servicing former slaves

i felt the out rage of watching Him have sex with my former slaves and others from my cage.

i felt the outrage and jealousy of watching him while chained to a tree make love and have sex in my pool at night only to be left out there while He went inside and played in “my” dungeon with them.

i learned to get over it.

i learned to be grateful for the times i was allowed to service him.

i learned to be grateful for the attention i received.

i learned to be grateful for him showing me my true identity.

i began to respect him for being smarter in every way

i watched him become the point blank hottest Dom around.

i felt the honor of being his number one slave.

i began to crave his control

i only wanted his control

i only needed  his control

i only desired to please him

i was able to concentrate on my business and it went from successful to incredibly successful.

i was to the world this powerhouse business man

i was to him and the gay S/M community a sub human sex slave.

i felt so content and happy with things the way they were.

He graduated from grad school and became a nurse in the local hospital OR.

i was so proud to be his slave and be the only person he asked to attend his graduation.

He began to talk about removing my balls when he massaged my prostrate

He would talk about how i didn’t need them anyway.

He talked about how life would be without them

He talked about how i wouldn’t need to wear the belt

He talked only of that every time i had an orgasm for close to two years.

He talked about how with his training he knew how to make it happen.

He talked about how he knew how to turn me into an “it”

He warned me that one night He would just do it

He warned me that every ograsm could be my last.

i began to associate cumming with castration

Then one night He came over and was very distraught.

He showed me a letter.

He had been offered an incredible job that only a fool would refuse.

He would have to move to distant city if He accepted it.

i knew He needed to accept the job.

He knew i had a business to run and a mother in a nursing home to look after etc.

We discussed our options … actually He went over them and I listened as i had learned to do.

i did comment that He really need to accept the position.

He said He would need to return the key.

i begged Him to keep it.

He said that was not an option.

Two weeks later He left town.

i was devastated, especially when i found the keys on the kitchen table.

i spent six months weaning myself out of the chastity belt

i felt naked and vunerable without it.

i spent another six months getting an erection and cumming per stroking.

i spent years learning to cum with out thinking of castration.

i considered donating mine to a man i knew who had a ball collection.

i didn’t go through with it.

i felt like a wimp for not going through with it.

i became despondent

i went into shock and depression a few months later when my mother passed.

i began having trouble with my business

i was totally wiped out financially when some guys took my business

i lost the big house thanks to them also.

i was broke living in my van

i was taken in by a friend.

i was to proud to contact Him.

i began to get stable again.

i was living out east

i was still struggling financially

i got a phone call a couple years later

it was a friend in common who had run into him

Who mentioned He wanted to see me again.

i didn’t think twice

i put on the belt and drove 800 miles plus on the outside chance He did want to see me.

WE looked at each other and i handed him the keys before either spoke.

WE were so right together.

He was so right for me

i was so right for him.

WE made love all night.

He came several times.

i didn’t, i couldn’t , and that was how it should be.

i returned home the next day driving 800 miles back.

i cried the whole way.

He had said i would hear from him soon.

He had a strange hesitancy in his voice.

i didn’t understand.

i received a certified letter a few weeks later.

it contained 1 key

it was from a close friend of His.

it said that He had to have surgery to re-correct child hood problems

it said that He had not survived the surgery

it said that He had ask that this key be sent to me

That i should unlock what ever was locked and remove it.

it said He had been buried with the other key.

it closed with the writer saying that he never understood what went on between Him and i but he knew it was incredibly intense.

i cried for weeks

i buried the key in my family plot close to my stone

i still keep his picture on my altar years later.

my altar years later.


Metal would like to thank bndgkink for sharing this.