Note from Metal: This is the latest chapter in a long-running series here on the Metalbond site. It’s not necessary for you to have read previous chapters for this part to make sense.
But if you would prefer to start at the very beginning, click for Part 1.
By socalbd
The sun was peeking slightly through the barn offering only a glimmer of light when I work up. Matt was lying next to me sound asleep with his head on my stomach. I didn’t want to move too much so he could continue to get his rest. We both were still completely covered in caked on dirt from the mud pit experience yesterday that Daniel and the guards created for our benefit. We both had a stench.
Matt started to stir and opened his eyes looking up at me.
“Good morning, handsome,” he said to me.
“Good morning, to you, too, handsome. You stink,” I joked.
Matt pulled himself up into a sitting position and moved towards the wall of the stall to lean back against it. After he was free of me I did the same thing sitting next to him. Our wrists were still cuffed at our sides connected to the waist chain with leg cuffs on our ankles.
Although awake after a full night’s sleep I still felt really tired and close to exhaustion after the weekend’s activities. We weren’t done yet, either. A few more hours were left for us to get through today.
“How are you feeling, Matt?”
“I’m tired. You?” he replied.
“Exhausted. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through today.”
“You will make it through. You won’t have a choice.” Matt was chuckling as he said it.
We both sat silently for a while until Matt spoke up again.
“I really am sorry, Dave,” he said.
I looked at him for a moment before asking, “For what?”
“What I said to you while we were staked out,” Matt continued. “I really was being a sadistic SOB to you. I shouldn’t have been that rough on you.”
Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 29 →