Today’s cock-and-ball bondage / cock-and-ball torture pictures are from Shotgun Video, Bound Gods, Scrunt’s Male BDSM Erotica, Mr. S Leather and from various other sites on the internet
Today’s cock-and-ball bondage / cock-and-ball torture pictures are from Shotgun Video, Bound Gods, Scrunt’s Male BDSM Erotica, Mr. S Leather and from various other sites on the internet
Meanwhile, back over at Reluctant Young Men, it’s straight stripper Luke’s turn to get tied up and beaten:
Click for Reluctant Young Men
Here is a picture from the MALE BONDAGE version of a controversial new Ford India ad campaign:
Thanks to RH at Mencomix for passing this along!
You can find a banner ad linking directly to the Dream Boy Bondage site on the Metalbond LINKS page or click here
Check out the image from Metalbond reader Kuirsourire:
Click for MANFLESH
Click for Men on Edge