Category Archives: Story

Andy’s Abduction

By slave4Strict713

Tuesday – 8:00 p.m.

Andy was frustrated and horny. His slave cravings had been haunting him. They began with abduction fantasies. In college, he ventured to the adult bookstore, and through magazines and old Drummer reprints he discovered the world of Masters and slaves. It was like putting a match to lighter fluid. Since then, he had been working in a smaller city, with no real leather community to speak of, so he had been living vicariously online, spending his evenings and weekends in various adult chat rooms and masturbating to porn images.

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Midnight Surprise

By Ropeluvr

The following is fiction, and enacting it could have possible negative risks. It is provided for entertainment purposes only.

Like my prior story, this is merely a beginning. You can let your imagination run wild or take it somewhere entirely different. I’ve always found that the setup to these stories is more intense and satisfying than what comes afterward. This is probably because the mechanics of sex, slavery and captivity aren’t what get me going. I have fantasies after these openings, but since my experiences and interests aren’t the same as others, I almost feel like I’m cheapening anyone else’s enjoyment by servicing my own. So, there isn’t likely to be a continuation of this tale; however, one never knows what might strike my fancy later.

© Ropeluvr


My backdoor neighbor — that’s a term that amuses my juvenile side, but it’s the best way to describe our situation. My house’s backyard adjoins his backyard. It’s a chain link fence, so there isn’t much privacy, but no one in the neighborhood really has much more than that, so it seems perfectly normal. My backdoor neighbor is tall, dark haired and sports either a clean-shaven face or a goatee whatever seems to suit his fancy. He’s thin, but his loose T-shirts have a hint of sculpt beneath them. Other than mow or trim his lawn, I don’t think he does much else outside of work but go to the gym.

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Up Your Alley – Part 1

By ty dehner

I had returned from spending the morning down at the San Francisco waterfront exploring the tourist traps and watching the America’s Cup boats test out the waters on the bay. Having walked most the morning, I decided to head back to my hotel room after a good lunch at the Boudin Sourdough Factory. Traffic wasn’t that bad, and I was back in my room by 2pm.

Sitting on the bed, I powered up the laptop and logged into Recon and my other favorite site, Gearfetish.

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Jail Story – Part 1

By Bound2plzu

I’ve lived in a small rural town for a number of years and never considered it to be a big advantage over city life, until now. Our local police department was recently required to replace its almost 100-year-old jail with a new, state-of-the-art facility. The old building was left as it had been, on its last day of service. Even though the electric had been turned off, all of the mechanisms were controlled manually. Working for the town, I am also friends with one of the local officers. I asked him to show me sometime how the levers and control rods worked to open, close and lock the cells. He said he would be glad to.

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The Russian Yeti and Donovan

By Mister-X / Spartan

I’ve had a crush on Donovan ever since I first met him. Stunning blue eyes, broad shoulders, trim waist, six foot 200 pounds. He was everything I’d admired in a man. But I was not someone he was attracted to. His interests were in the natural field, particularly in finding a sasquatch, or yeti, alive. He was driven to accomplish this. I realized that if I was to have any luck at all with Donovan I was going to have to find out all I could about where such a creature might exist and help him find one. I needed to do something to get him interested in me.

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Keeping a Prisoner – Part 2

By Eric Blake

I suggest at least two feedings a day, maybe three. At least one (dinner) should be all you can east, but only of the rice (or equivalent) provided. In order to make eating less pleasurable, make the guy drink his water first, then eat the dry stuff. You should also harass the prisoner and allow him only a limited time to eat while being watched. Two minutes to drink his water ration and five minutes to east should be adequate, except at dinner when more time can be allowed.

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ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 02

By Nitro


As Ian starts to go down, I guide him backward toward a chair that I had maneuvered behind him. This really was too easy. I’ve been waiting to get him in my trap for a while now — and he just fell right in like a spider in a web. He just went under briefly, so he isn’t going to be out for very long. As soon as his ass hits the chair, I get to work with the straps binding him to the chair. His arms pulled behind him fit nicely in the grooves in the chair. His shoulders are going to be aching really badly after this. Sounds to me like we have tomorrow’s gym routine decided.

Continue reading ImmobileRestraint – Chapter 02

Edge Device – Part 2

By Strappeddown

Tuesday and Wednesday seemed normal considering the insane weekend I had experienced. The cup was easy to maintain, comfortable and pretty much low maintenance. I had to sit to pee, which took a little getting used to. The urine would pour out of the hole in the bottom of the cup. There was something about the experience that was humiliating despite it happening within the privacy of the bathroom stall.

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